so im sitting at work and looky here a survey

Apr 17, 2004 08:55

I AM: sitting at work
I WANT: to get a new bible soon like now right now dangit.....
I HAVE: 4 books to read, 3 nights of halo, 2 best friends, and a partridge in a pear tree.
I WISH: ........I dont wish i pray
I HATE: disobeying God.....
I MISS: being in high school, i dont never mind
I FEAR: God.....
I HEAR: air conditioning and embodyment (the band)
I SEARCH: for God.....
I WONDER: who i will marry and if they will know how to make chicken salad
I REGRET: not being able to make good chicken salad
I ACHE: in my heart(spirit)
I AM NOT: white
I DANCE: to embarrass my sister
I SING: loudly by myself
I CRY: when i sing a worship song 89% of the time.....
I AM NOT ALWAYS: not white......
I WRITE: terrible. i type every thing its more understandable
I CONFUSE: cooper sometimes. he gives me that are your sure your human look.
I NEED: money for school im tired of being out...
I SHOULD: not get a tan at the beach........

x. father thinks i am: just like him
x. mother thinks i am: gonna be someone well known one day (i love them)
x. my boyfriend/girlfriend thinks she is: waiting on me to ask her out and find out her name....
x. three things you are often complimented for: being myself, being christian, being
x. you get embarrassed when: when people hug me im not a hugger
x. makes you happy: God hes my pimp. im a happy hoe
x. upsets you: lack of change in my relationship with God

yes or no...
x. you keep a diary: ummm look around in here....
x. you like to cook: in my imagination; bad things happen in real life....
x. you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: plenty
x. you set your watch a few minutes ahead: 5 minutes
x. you bite your fingernails: nopage
x. you believe in love: nope God is love. Ive got God no reason to find love its here

What is...?
x. your most overused phrase: buddy
x. the last image/thought you go to sleep with: buddy, cant remember I always fall asleep right before i think that last thought..........i basically empty my thoughts

Do You...?
x. take a shower everyday: yep showers/baths are the first step to sanity
x. have a(any) crush(es): when i was in school i had many now i dont, grew out of it so to speak once i figured out im not going to marry these crushes.....
x. think you know you've been in love: well lets see i know God and God is love so you tell me....1 john 4:7-8
x. want to get married: like maggots want crap
x. have any tattoos/where?: nopage
x. piercings/where?: nopage
x. get motion sickness: I thought i would on the cruise to the bahamas but nope i didnt
x. think you're a health freak: nopage
x. get along with your parents: yepage
x. like thunderstorms: reminds me of God

Ryan: last flight in, used to go to school with him.
Bob: cousinbob that is.....
Drew: Carey
Stephanie: N/A
Aaron: from PA jewish....michelles significant something i guess
Amy: N/A
Paul: the bible and theres a paul at the white/black church
Eve: genesis
John: John was my leader on the mission trip to belize
Laura: N/A
Alex: girl that live around the corner from me....shes like 8
Justin: timberrrrrrr
Ricky: "She bangs she bangs....." thats funny
Jacob: in the bible
Jack: in the box (i dont know many people ok)
michelle: the only white girl im still friends with after all these years.....

SCREEN NAMES: bottle333
SIGN: the bible
EYE COLOR: brown
BIRTHPLACE: st. vincents, Bham Alabama

NUMBER: 3, 1
COLOR: emerald green (not on clothes) and blue
DAY: sunday and wednesday
MONTH: December lots of changes then.
SONG: gold and silver-stavesacre legacy, why, i am- nichole nordeman
FOOD: chinese, glory's kitchen, grannies (home cookin)
SEASON: winter no grass to cut.....
SPORT: like them all equally baseball, football, basketball, halo
DRINK: sobe, water, minute maid
VEGGIE: collie flower with butter on it.

CUDDLE OR MAKE OUT? when i get married that and more
CHOCOLATE MILK, OR HOT CHOCOLATE? huh koolaide (welcome to the ghetto, niggaa)
MILK, DARK, OR WHITE CHOCOLATE? huh i like chocolate is there a difference it all goes to the love handles......

CRIED? nopage
GONE TO THE MOVIES? Not since the Passion oh wait i saw hellboy, go figure.
GONE OUT FOR DINNER? does pizza at a friends church count
SAID I LOVE YOU? yes in the general, ill do whatever it takes to make sure you come closer to God, sense.
TALKED TO AN EX? never had a girlfriend
WRITTEN IN A JOURNAL? ummm well maybe just look around......
TALKED TO SOMEONE YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON?: a crush would only crush my heart and spirit
HAD A SERIOUS TALK? yah i said wow they said yah i said halo is cheating.
MISSED SOMEONE? michelle, farrah, getting lost in worship i haven't done that in a hot second.
HUGGED SOMEONE? white people......
FOUGHT WITH YOUR PARENTS? yah i said huh they said do this? i said darn those verses about respecting your parents (to myself)
FOUGHT WITH A FRIEND? always cooper about screen looking and chet about my lack of understanding what the crap im talking about b/c sometimes im not sure whats going on but i got to stick up for something
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