dreams, visions, and candles V

Nov 09, 2005 15:12

"i am (called) to whom i serve." what i saw in the dream was "i am (called) to serve to whom" i saw this phrase in a dream or something like it. i was in a college class and i was learning a lot and that phrase. What could it mean who knows, all i know is i wasn't going to post it but every time my mind wonders today i remember bits & pieces of this phrase. That dream might have something to do with (http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Mat/Mat006.html#24) Mat 6:24 or Mat 6:33. maybe ive been seeking the wrong thing. maybe ive been going after this world and not the God that made it. maybe ive been focused on candles that i can see instead of the light God put inside me. maybe..... .{also in real life i've seen two shooting stars recently. one last night & another a while back. that would make three total in my lifetime when i would randomly look up and see one, part of my candles i guess, maybe not.}
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