aww man back to school again!!

Apr 03, 2005 21:19

well yea this weekend i went over my cusins and we hosted a ddr tournoment and it was really gay cuz only like 3 ppl showed up so yea. but i did meet alot of really hott chicks and got there sn's so yea that was preatty kool and we played laser tag....i came in last ofcourse. psh mr. military my ass, i think im losin it. but then umm we just hung out at my cusins and fixed up his new jimmy then i came home so yea my lifes boring

x Full Name: jeremy michael bott

x Birthday: march 18, 1990
x Zodiac: umm i dunno
xWhat is the date?: april somthing i dont remember
x What time is it?: god wuts with all the hard questions but i think its 10:55

x Other Names Your Parents Considered:dont no dont care

--------------------Standard Stuff----------------------------

x School: North
x E-mail:
x Eyes: brohazle
x Hair: blonde with highlights
x Height: 5' 10' haha i grew an inch
x Shoe Size: 11
x Who lives with you? brother mom dad
x When is your bedtime? i dont go to bed

--------------------In the Last 24 Hours-----------------------

x Cried: never
x Worn jeans: yes
x Met someone new: yes
x Done laundry: hell no
x Cursed: yes
x Watched a Movie: no
x Went to the movies: no
x Went shopping: no
x Gotten sick: no
x Been kissed: no
x Given a kiss: no
x Lied: no

----------------------Have You Ever-------------------------

x Missed school cuz of weather: no

x Lit urself on fire: hell yea!!!
x Kept a secret from everybody: yea
x Had an imaginary friend: yea lol
x Ever been in love w/ a friend: yes
x Cried during a Movie? i cant cry so quit asking me
x Had crush on an teacher? no
x Been on stage: yes
x Cut your own hair: haha i was 4
x Done drugs: yes
x Seen a murder: depends

------------------------Your Firsts------------------------------
x First best friend: brian fraser
x First car: when i was 2 i drove my moms car into a wall
x First real date: movies with jessica

x First real break-up: umm 7th grade
x First self purchased album: nirvana
x First piercing/tattoo: non
x First enemy: god
x First big trip: i ran away
x First Kiss: 7th grade at the movies
x First failing grade: umm ive allways failed

----------------------In the Last Week -------------------

x Been mean: yes
x Talked to someone you have a crush on: maaabey
x Hugged someone: yes
x Fought with your parents? yea....i won
x Got in an argument with your best friend: no
x Laughed until you cried: no god i cant fucking cry
x Played Truth or Dare: no
x Watched a sunrise/sunset: i dont think so
x Went to the beach at night: no

-------------------Who Did this Last-----------------

x Called you: brian i think...wuts with all the dam hard questions
x Slept in your bed: the devil...we had sex shh dont tell ne one
x Saw you cry: i cant fucking cry
x Made you cry: OMFG I CANT CRY DAMMIT
x Made you laugh: nicks dad hahah "hey im specil no wait thats my phone" haha great times nick
x You shared a drink with: my cusin
x You went to the movies with: a shit load of ppl
x Went out to eat with: my cusin bryan at Mc donalds
x Bought you something: no one ever byes me ne thing
x Sent you an email: i never check thoughs

-------------------------- Extras -----------------------------

x Black or white? black
x TV or movie? well it depends enjoyment or to get some :P
X Cat or dog? i hate them both
x Walmart or target? walmart bitch
x Spring or Fall? spring but i like to see things fall its funny
x Sun or rain? rain
x What are you gonna do after this? eat your soul
x What was the last meal you ate? your soul
x Are you bored? y do u think im filling this out
x Last noise you heard? the speakers


x Shampoo: i dont wash my hair enough to have one
x Favorite Color: black, red, blue
x Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: i dont really care
x Favorite sport: baseball, paintball, umm i like to shoot things..dose that count

---------------------What are You?-------------------------

x Wearing: nothing im naked
x Thinking about: i dont think it hurts my head
x Listening to: so cold

------------------------Have You Ever 2-----------------------

x Been to Canada? yess
x Danced Naked? yes, its fun i feel free
x Skinny dipped? yes
x Stalked someone? noo
x Snuck out? yes
x Wished you were the opposite sex: ummm im not gunna awser lol
------------------------ Random ----------------------------

x Are you bored? y do u think im filling this out for the second time
x Are you lonely? always
x Are you happy? i guess
x Do you drink? hell yea :)
x Who named you? i did
x When was the last time you showered? yesterday
x What color pants do you have one right now? im not wearing pants ;)
x What song are you listening to right now? dude u just asked me that question um but im listing to counterfit god/ black label society bitch hell yea
x What color is your shirt? im not wearing ashirt either
x What is right next to you? my bed and my bass
x What is your computer desk made of? wood
x Are you eating anything? your soul
x What did you do last night? i was over my cusins and met some really hott chicks
x How are you today? mixed feelings

------------------------- Extras 2----------------------------

x Do you have your license? no
x what book are you reading now? now do i seem like a person who would read
x Nickname: bott....or stupid ppl use that one alot
x Pets: my brother has some fish
x Siblings: brandon
x Have you ever been so drunk you didn't remember that you were drunk: now if i was how could i remember if i was that drunk.....yea i have
x Taken any illegal substances: no
x Gone out in public in your pajamas: i dont have pajamas i sleep in the nude
x Played ding-dong-ditch? yes
x Wanted to hook up with a friend/date them: hell yess
x Did something illegal? yes
x Did you get caught? no i never get caught
x Gotten arrested? yea
x Gotten a ticket for something? no
x Prank called someone: yea!!!

---------------------Do You Believe In----------------------

x Yourself: sure
x Santa Claus: no
x Tooth Fairy: no
x Destiny/Fate: yea
x Angels: yea and i hate there fucking guts
x God: yea and i fucking hate his fucking ass

--------------------Friends and Life------------------------

x Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? not right now
x Do you like anyone? not really i dunno im not really sure
x What's the best feeling in the world: the feeling u get when ur about to kill someone and ofcourse sex
x Worst Feeling: haveing someone die who was ur best friend a father to you and the best man in teh world ( i love ya uncle bubba)
x Worst fear: umm im not really scared of ne thing except the extersise lady
x Time now: 11:25


x Last car ride: like at 8
x Last good cry: i cnat fucking cry omg ur ubsesed
x Last library book checked out: now do i look like someone who would check out a libray book
x Last beverage drank: pepsi and crown royal mixed
x Last shoes worn: my all riped up etnies
x Last cd played: korn greatest hits
x Last item bought: lazer tag
x Last annoyance: my little brother
x Last disappointment: my brain stoped again
x Last time wanting to die: like umm well today acually
x Last website visited: a porn sight

i have no friends to leave me comments :(

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