Dec 07, 2004 08:08
ahhhh birthday was great...thanx to everyone who i gotta put the pictures up if i could just find my camrea...idk right now kinda sucks...i havent felt like this ina while...just kinda bored/upset/sad/scared/guilty/deptressed/worried idk you pick one...but hey ill be over it by lunch ibet...i just finished reading my brothers journal...i wonder if he reads mine...hmmmmmm....doubt it neways...i stole this from him
OK, now humor me and do this thing.
(a) first, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:
(b) i want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. ask me anything you want.
(c) now post this in your journal & see what your friends want to know about you!
so yea...i think im gonna ask sum ppl to do sumthin today cuz its been since ...saturday/sunday that ive doen nething...not long...but still i need sumthin to docuz i hate feeling like this....MUAHAHAHAHAHA i hope everyones okay...oh, im so making this entry friends only..that wayi can put in it what i was gonna say!!
ahhh i totally just read my brothers journal and im never reading it again...yay to all my friends who read his....especially if ur one of those ppl who comment on his more than mine....but lol wutever...omg ew...i read his survey...adfja;klsdjfakls I DONT WANNA KNOW ABOUT MY BROTHERS SEX LIFE t hat is so gross...ew i think im gonna be sick...neways...ahhh now that ive got that out of me...
i went to the concert sunday nite at was awesome...i went with my sister and her friend and then brian came too...first band..was interesting but not my favorite...then we listened to copeland and then we left afte th first song of the next band cuz eric doesnt really like to stay long at those kinda things....
i hope everythings okay..idk it kinda feels like ppl are mad at me...but i couldjsut be really bored right now but i think ill be leaving cuz idk theres just sumthin bout journals sumtimes that make me feel like shit...and i dnot like it....
my counselor told me to write letters to ppl ...but not really give em to em...and i just thot that was cool cuz its kinda like that dear you thingt hat jessica talks about hey who knows, mayb im writing a letter to you right now! lol nah i doubt not upset or mad or hurt by neone who reads this i dont think ...well ill probably see most of you sumtime today at school...