Monthly drawing for prize - post photos of your BotMo creations!

Nov 05, 2009 13:19

I've really enjoyed seeing what people make with their Beads of the Month goodies, so I love it when people post photographs and commentary here. To encourage that, I'm going to start offering a monthly small prize. The winner's name will be chosen at random from those posting about their BotMo creations.


1. Make a post with a link to a photo of your work (or use a photo in the post itself if you put it behind a cut-tag).
2. Tell us which beads are Beads of the Month beads, and what month they were from (if you remember).
3. You can use as many beads from other sources as you like, but the piece must contain at least one BotMo bead.
4. It doesn't have to be elaborate or fancy or perfectly done; simple pieces are fine, beginner's work is fine, and attempts that didn't go where you intended are fine too (and you might get some good suggestions here if you ask). I just like seeing people having fun with the beads.

To elaborate on item four there, I'm making this a random drawing because it's not a competition. It's just a bonus for participating. The prizes won't be huge pricey things, but I hope they'll make you smile.

The first drawing will be held at the end of this month, and the prize will be a seven dollar credit towards any Beads of the Month package.

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing what you've been doing with your shinies.
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