for people who do not know

Jan 24, 2008 22:35

re: the republican debate on tonight

no mitt... social security does not need savings or investment accounts. in case you didn't know, you do not get what you put in to social security. it is not a retirement account that you get to cash in on.

the way social security works is very very very very simple. the people working in the workforce (the young) pay a portion of their wages to the gov't for the purposes of taking care of people who have exited the work force (the elderly). in exchange for doing so, the gov't guarantees to them that the program will still be around when they are old and no longer working, and that they will be allowed to be a recipient of benefits.

it's that simple. you pay for your grandparents and your parents. and if you do, your kids and grandkids will pay for you.

very basic. very simple. very noble. and not very problematic regardless of how few young people and how many old people.

forget social security mitt. i want to know how you plan to fix medicare.

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