the case against single payer

Jul 07, 2008 12:58

so nyc has followed brookline and a few other places...

people like that are why i actually don't want single payer healthcare in this country. the gov't (read: snobby do-gooders) already have enough fun telling me what i can and can't do (smoke, drink, etc) and what i can and can't eat (tans fats!).

imagine what will happen when you bring tax dollars into it.

i just don't understand this country. we're all for capitalism, but god forbid we leave matters of public health to the market. why not force restaurants to specify on their menu if they cook with trans fats and let consumers make informed decisions about their diet? if i want to eat deliciously bad food, and then go exercise or start saving money for that heart transplant, who the hell are you to stop me? not to mention that i can cook and eat anything i want with trans fats... i just can't sell it to anyone. does that make any god damn sense?

this is seriously getting out of hand and i blame seat belts. first it was seat belts, then it was smoking, now it's eating. i guess really booz was first, but we fought back on that one.

so yes everyone... avoid those pesky trans fats and start gulping down those oh so good all natural fats by the truck full. or... take back control of your own god damn body.

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