Couldn't he just write a passive aggressive note?

Sep 27, 2014 18:22

The Mister was in the garage when he heard the spray can. Far from just being too close with his project, a fine gentleman was in fact making our garage his billboard. He was unrepentant. Seems he has a young niece living in the Apartments of Doom across the alley and claims they also house a child molester. His plan was to spray-paint "F*#$ child molesters" on our garage; everyone knows that graffiti scares child predators straight. Sadly, The Mister interrupted him, so now it just says "F*#$ child".

Out of all the properties on my block, the AoD is the only one to have declined. There was a buff guy in the classic uniform of wife-beater with gold chains who seemed to be in charge. I actually got along pretty well with him, and it gave me a chuckle when he would call to his two tiny chihuahuas, Princess and Precious. Unfortunately, he disappeared a few months ago, murdered in a hotel room in another state. I expect he was involved in extra-legal activities, probably pot, and things weren't exactly great under his lead, but without him things have gotten very bad. Open IV drug use/deals, syringes, fights, garbage and broken down cars, and now graffiti for the first time in ever. I know it's 'ever' because that garage had NO paint on it at all.

The security cameras are going up today, and I looked up the owner of the property. Long past time for step one: a certified letter. Wish me luck!
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