Botias carefully cropped images of garden happiness

May 27, 2014 15:07

Plus, my first very own personal gingerbread on the shed and garage. I've admired the sunbursts on other people's Victorian homes, and now I have some of my very own. I kept waiting for the perfect day to photograph my garden: overcast enough so that it wasn't a glarey blur, bright enough that the wildflowers were open. And then the day came! And my camera's batteries were dead. So, glarey it is, but pretty too, I hope.

I love these native cream cups, and I'm so happy the agastache is happy. It overwintered without a hiccup.

The tall blue flowers are new to me this year. Blue thimbleflowers are a native wildflower, and it turns out they attract these tiny, iridescent emerald, native bees. It wasn't an everyday thing to see one in season's past, but now that this plant is blooming, there always seem to be a couple sipping from it. Their common name is 'sweat bee' but I would have chosen something different.

I used to look with envy at the CA poppies blooming their heads off everywhere but my garden, but then I fumbled onto whatever they like somewhere along the way, and I'm thrilled. The blue flowers are nemophila, they self sow happily. I notice though that I got longer bloom because I planted some from a packet 'just in case'. Might try to copy that next year.

The Purple Shed!


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