No means no!

Nov 11, 2006 16:11

I just closed my Macy's account. Why? Because they were pissing me off that's why.

When I signed up for the card, I got it mainly to build my credit. I signed up at Macy's and they gave me $100 limit. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS... At Macy's.. Of course the few shirts I had at the counter maxed it out on the spot.

Anyway, when I was filling out the paperwork, they asked me if I wanted a "Credit protection plan". It seemed rather worthless. If I lose my job and can't pay off the card, they'll wave the balance. Wow.. So if I lose my job at Microsoft and can't pay off my $100 balance, they'll wave it. Of course I said no.

A month later, I get a phone call... On my cell phone during work. Macy's wanted to know if I was interested in "Credit Protection". I politely said no and told them not to call back.

A couple weeks after that, they called again. Offering me the same thing. I of course caught the sales guy off-guard and asked if he was selling credit protection. When he said yes, I very sternly told him I wasn't interested and not to call me again or I would close my account.

Then... Last week... They called AGAIN! This time I was rather pissed and just said, "That's it! I told you if you called again I would close my account! I'm closing it, have a good day. Good bye!"

My account is now closed. My nice red Macy's card is in lots of little pieces in the bottom of my trash. I'm am not going to be a valued customer if they piss me off.

macys, telemarketers, credit cards, credit protection

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