Jul 10, 2008 22:59
hi, my names kerry.
well, im more of a shell of who kerry used to be. now, kerrys life is consumed only by work, which she thought would not be that big of a deal. as it turns out, it is. kerry is really unhappy, most of the time. she never has time to do the things she needs to do, nonetheless the things she wants to do. while that doesnt sound that bad, after almost four months of only work and no play, our kerry has worn thin. she doesnt feel like herself anymore. she doesnt think anything is funny and her mind is occupied with finances and hours and time crunching. she relishes any chance she gets to sleep and shes often quick to snap at people for things that she would have never been bothered by before.
mostly, kerry doesnt know what to do. she feels more stuck than she ever has. she feels as though her decrease in morale is going to affect every aspect of her life, as its already begun to creep into some very important facets. granted, kerry has felt far worse mentally and emotionally, but shes pretty sick of having one day off every ten days or so, and having to put her life on hold because of a position she didnt get into on her own volition.
now, speaking on behalf of kerry, you need to know that the last thing she wants is pity. truthfully, all she wants is someone to tell her that everything is going to be alright and to be there when she gets off work every once in a while. she would probably really appreciate it if people she used to be able to hang out with would call her or maybe schedule a day in the not-too-distant future to hang out or grab lunch. in fact, kerry really likes lunch.
i dont know. i just think kerry could use an empathetic ear or a nice partner in a sandwich eating contest that actually only involves one sandwich per person and is called lunch.
if thats not possible, im sure she would be more than happy to know that people understand where shes coming from and will be kind-hearted when she says she cant do anything or she doesnt get a chance to call.
thank you for your time,
a shell of kerry rundle.