(no subject)

Feb 27, 2011 15:18

Wow, it's been ages. I feel like I should post more, but then I never have anything much to say.

I've... kind of given up on Skins. Both versions. I'm one episode behind on US Skins and two behind on UK Skins and I don't really have any motivation to catch up with either of them. Maybe I'll catch up with US Skins eventually if I hear that they've sorted out the Tony/Tea fuckery, but IDK.

In RL news, you know how my whole job situation was up in the air? IT STILL IS. But it looks potentially positive, because the organisation might have more funding? IDK, I have no idea what's going to happen, but I'm going to be there at least through to the beginning of April, so that's something.

Back to fandom news: I seem to have accidentally become OBSESSED with Glee, which was careless of me. I mean, don't get me wrong: I am well aware of the many and varied ways in which it sucks out loud, and I still rage at it on a regular basis, but Santana Lopez just snuck up on me and made me fall in love with her. IT WASN'T MY FAULT. So I've been gorging myself on schmoopy slightly-OOC Brittany/Santana fic these last couple of days, and I find myself ridiculously excited about the next episode. APPARENTLY GWYNETH PALTROW IS COMING BACK AND IS GOING TO HELP SANTANA COME TO TERMS WITH HER BISEXUALITY? Oh, Gwyneth, if this is really true then I'll never mock GOOP again. Of course, this being Glee, they'll probably fuck it all up, but I'm just so, so excited that they're actually finally going there, eleven (!!!) episodes after they flirted with it in Duets.

LOL, I am so not proud of any of this. GLEE SUCKS. I'm hoping it will be one of those random brief obsessions I occasionally get with a new fandom that never lasts, but WHO KNOWS. I already have the urge to write fic.

Oh, also, in my travels around Glee fandom I found this picture:


*why do i watch skins, *us!skins is kind of awesome, *tv makes me happy, *work sucks

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