(no subject)

Oct 11, 2010 19:57

Hi, flist! I feel like it's been ages. Every now and then I feel guilty about not posting, but I don't really have a lot to say. I miss being in fandom! Without fandom I spend far too much mental energy on stupid stuff like The X Factor (WHY DO I OBSESS OVER THIS TERRIBLE SHOW) and no one really wants to hear about My Thoughts On Katie Waissel or whatever.

So, yeah, there's that. Um, what else is going on in my life? Work is just kind of chugging along. ALTHOUGH, we have a couple of volunteers now and it's super annoying having to find work for them to do. One of them in particular seems to be completely useless at research and whenever I ask her to look something up she comes up with something completely irrelevant. If I ask you to look up holiday accommodation, don't give me ideas for days out! If I ask you for non-council sources of funding, don't come back to me with links to local councils in fucking SCOTLAND! WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT'S RELEVANT. IDEK. But I have no idea how to tell her that what's she doing is wrong, so I usually just end up doing the research myself. :/

In other news, I'm in one of those moods where none of my music is quite what I want to listen to. Rec me your favourite albums of the last year or so?

*the x factor is srs bsns, *work sucks, *music is my girlfriend

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