Yuletide > life.

Nov 11, 2009 22:06

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Firstly, thank you so much! I love you already for offering one (or even more!) of my fandoms, and I can't wait to read what you write. The most important thing I'll say is this: the story I most want to read is the story you most want to write. I'd much rather you write something that you were really passionate about than you twist yourself into knots trying to write the story you think I'd like. If you'd like some more guidance, I'll happily ramble on, but they really are just guidelines and I can be sold on just about anything if it's done well. (Trufax: I've read and LOVED super-creepy surprise!necrophilia before, so none of my squicks are set in stone.)

(I know some people do the whole 'read my fic to see what I like!' thing, but I like a wider variety of fic than I write, so I'm not sure how helpful it'd be. Still, I have a fic masterpost posted to the top of my LJ if you're curious.)

As you can see from my requests, my interests mostly involve Awesome Women Being Awesome and Pretty Girls Making Out. Femslash is my first love, fic-wise, but if you're not into it then I'm also totally happy to read gen. As long as it features some of my favourite female characters being awesome, I'll be happy!

General likes, stolen from last year's letter: snark and banter, introspection, happy endings, first times, a bit of schmoop, wacky hijinks, bittersweet moments, forbidden love, gay angst, loyal friendships, unrequited love, drunken funtimes, backstory, UST, self-consciousness, slice of life, intimacy.

General dislikes: stories that are unrelentingly dark, character death, non-con, extreme kink, PWP, uneven power dynamics in sexual relationships, pregnancy/babies.

I like fic of all ratings and I'm equally happy with or without sex scenes, so just write whatever you're comfortable with!

As for specifics:

Chuck (Sarah Walker)
I love Sarah so much and would adore anything that explores her character, whether that's backstory, or ridiculous spy missions, or something sweet and ordinary - or anything else you want to write! I'm cool with gen or incidental Chuck/Sarah, or if you wanted to slash her with someone like Jill or Ellie, that would be fun.

What do I love about Sarah? E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. She's one of my absolute favourite characters on TV, and anything that conveys even a fraction of her awesomeness would make me incredibly happy. I love how strong and competent she is; I love that she makes sacrifices for her job and her country and for Chuck every day; I love that she puts aside her own feelings because there are more important things to be done. I just want to know more about her, and would love any sort of gen, whether it's an introspective character piece or something silly and fun. If you want to write pairings, I like Chuck/Sarah but I'm not looking for a really 'shippy fic (and please, no Chuck/Sarah porn), but I would also love femslash, whether that's with a character on the show or a crossover of your choice. Something about Sarah & Ellie being friends would also be great, because I think she needs a friend who isn't Chuck.

FlashForward (Janis Hawk)
Janis is so awesome and I would be happy with anything about her - more of her relationship with Maya would be awesome, or maybe a friendship piece with her and Demetri (maybe their time at Quantico?). But really, anything would be great - all I ask is that you please keep her gay!

Janis is a total BAMF and I really just want to know more about her, and am open to pretty much anything. I'll be honest: I'm really not a fan of pregnancy!fic, and I'm a little leery of Janis being pregnant in her flashforward, so if you wanted to ignore that altogether? I would be TOTALLY OKAY WITH THAT. Just, please, don't have her sleep with a man. Or get raped. As for what I would like: Janis/Maya would be awesome, because I love Maya a lot (okay, I think she's hot) and I don't think that storyline's done yet, but Janis/OFC would also be great, especially if you wanted to write backstory. I love Janis and Demetri's friendship and anything with them being BFFs, whether that's on a case or in their downtime, would be fun. I'd rather not read anything really plot-heavy with regards to the flashforwards, just because it would probably get jossed really quickly.

Parks and Recreation (Ann Perkins/Leslie Knope)
I'd really love Leslie/Ann femslash, because I think they have a great relationship and would be really good together, but I'd be equally happy with gen. Anything silly and fun that's in-keeping with the tone of the show would be great.

I only just got into this show and it's totally my happy place right now. Leslie is hilarious, and I love how earnest and passionate she is. I just love that she cares, you know? Leslie/Ann would be awesome, but if you don't want to slash them then I'm totally happy to read about them being really great friends. Feel free to include any other characters you want (I particularly love April) but I'd rather not read about the Ann/Mark relationship. I feel like I'm not being particularly helpful here, but really, I'd just like some lulzy fic that would make me smile on Christmas morning.

RPF - Merlin (Angel Coulby/Katie McGrath)
I'd love some Angel/Katie that's sweet and fun and bantery, but not excessive fluff. On-set hijinks would be awesome, and I prefer first-time fics to established relationships. Bonus points for Katie wearing her dorky glasses!

I'll be honest: I don't follow this fandom hugely outside of reading/watching the occasional interview, so all I really know about Angel and Katie is that they're really, really pretty and totally in love. (So I don't really know the 'canon' or have very fixed ideas about characterisation, which means you don't really have to worry about getting things wrong.) They also both seem really smart when they talk about the show and like they have a similar sense of humour, so anything like that would be fun to read. Something with lots of UST and build-up would be great. I like Colin and Bradley and would be happy with them in the background of the fic (as a couple or not; I don't mind either way) or not, whatever you like. Maybe some outsider-PoV? IDK, have fun with it!

Um, wow, this is long. TL;DR: anything you write will make me happy, and I love you already! ♥

*yuletide omg

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