i think we could laugh just enough to not die in pain

Oct 04, 2009 21:51

This is entirely jengrrrl's fault, but: I find myself tempted to sign up for apocabigbang. And that's bad, because a) I don't have a plot bunny, b) plot and world-building is not my strong suit, and c) I really don't need another big fic project on my plate.

I mean, there's already the 30k 80s AU, which I still haven't finished typing up, let alone started editing, and then... then there's NaNoWriMo. (For those of you who don't know, that's a writing challenge where you write a 50k novel in November.)

Now, I fucking love NaNo. I've done it for the last five years, and I've won each time, and I've always, always had so much fun with it. I've written five completely terrible original novels, and even though I've never shown anyone the stuff I've written for NaNo, I still think it's been a really rewarding experience each time and I know my writing has vastly improved because of it. I'm sort of reaching the stage with NaNo where I feel like I've got everything I can out of it as a challenge, and this year I'm really just going to do it for fun.

And you know what's fun? Writing Skins fic.

So, yeah: there's 50k of Skins fic coming your way in November, if you're interested. It's going to be, I think, a collection of interrelated stories spanning Our Heroes' second year at Roundview that will hopefully end up forming some sort of coherent whole, and I'll be posting it up as I write it, so more or less every day. There's no time for editing, so it's not going to be perfectly written, and it will probably end up veering off in unexpected directions, but that's the fun of NaNo. :D I thought I'd keep it off this journal, because I don't want to spam the fuck out of the people who aren't here for fandom reasons, so I've created a comm: 2ndyearstories. Obviously nothing will be posted there until November, but you can watch the comm if you're interested. I think it's going to be fun!

*writing about writing, *nanowrimo ate my brain, *second year stories

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