Ugh, LIFE.

May 28, 2009 21:23

- Oh God, I have never talked such epic pretentious bollocks as in my dissertation. (The essay part, that is. The creative part is just lame.) I'M GOING TO FAIL SO HARD, GUYS. IT'S DUE IN TOMORROW AND IT'S EATING ME ALIVE.

- When it comes to the 'works consulted but not cited' list, I'm basically Wikipedia-ing post-apocalyptic fiction and pretending I've read it all. I mean, it's that or admit that my interest in it mostly stems from fic. (OMG, Last Outpost Of All That Is! ♥)

- I love how every time in the last couple of days that I've taken a break from spazzing over my dissertation by reading my flist, fandom has come up with some insane crack to make me feel better. KANGAROOS, WUT.

- Randomly, Neil Gaiman's blog is turning me into a Neil Gaimain/Amanda Palmer tinhat. I'm not even sure why I care! I'm only vaguely a fan of both of them.

- I can't believe I still have ANOTHER essay to write, due on Tuesday. SO GLAD I DIDN'T APPLY FOR AN MA, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS TO END.

- I really want a Skins moodtheme, but, you know. NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO GO SEARCHING FOR ONE.

*fandom is my crack, *uni work makes me cry

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