(no subject)

Dec 07, 2011 13:36

Out of Character Information
Name: Kristi
Are you over the age of eighteen? y
Current characters in Baedal: Severus Snape, Antonin Dolohov, and Ben Cosgrave

In Character Information
Character Name: Nymphadora Tonks
Username: bothbuttocks
Fandom: Harry Potter
Played By: Natalia Tena
Icon: Link to an icon you would like to see used on the character sheet. Otherwise, default icons will be used.

Canon Character Section (disregard if applying for an original character)
Physical Description:

Tonks is 23; when not using her abilities for evil, she has mousy brown hair and brown eyes. She's about 5'7, and weighs about 120-130lbs. When she is using her abilities, she generally has either pink or purple hair.

Her clothing is described in the books as being Muggle in nature - t-shirts, trousers, boots. In the movies, she has more of a hobo-chic look.

She has no tattoos.

Sexuality: Tonks' sexuality is much like her physical appearance: pretty damn fluid. She likes what she likes.


Another handy-dandy wiki page!

I'll be bringing her in from the end of Order of the Phoenix.


A handy-dandy wiki page!

Information about metamorphamagi.

Talents/Abilities:: Tripping over things?


Nymphadora Tonks is, in one word, flamboyant. Incredibly so, in fact, from the inside out. She has an exuberant personality, cheerful and bouncy at the best of times, which is often reflected in her appearance. She enjoys being with others, likes music, and absolutely owns herself without shame. Much of her behaviour, of course, is the manifestation of a desire for attention. Not only because of the rarity of metamorphamagi, but because she was also an only-child of devoted parents, Tonks is used to being the center of attention, and she likes it. She often goes out of her way to attract it.

Tonks is smart, but not enormously so. She can come across as a bit daft now and again, but she is an Auror, and one does have to display a certain cleverness and ability to reason quickly to work in that field, but her talents lie in her ability to get along with others and be resilient. What she lacks in mental prowess, she makes up for in stubbornness. She's tenacious to an extreme, and when she wants something, she fights hard to get it.

Her sociable attitude allows her to be somewhat more outspoken than others. She has no problem saying what she thinks - not out of bravery, but because she often doesn't think before she speaks. She has, in the past, argued openly with her superiors, though it has been restricted to those with whom she feels comfortable. She has been known to be a bit gruff and rough about the edges - swearing at Moody and threatening to hex complete strangers into oblivion, but she is in law enforcement, after all. Tonks is a bit of a troublemaker, and by her own admission, she always has been. It's rarely anything of consequence these days, however.

She is an absolute Hufflepuff, hard-working, true, but leaning more towards the loyalty side of things. She clings to her friendships, or did before the onset of the second war. Once Voldemort returned, she found herself more often than not drawn either to the younger crowd, as they remind her of the innocence her own generation once had, or to the older, because they had already experienced the present conflict in the form of the first war. Emotional pitfalls aside, she holds her immediate family close - particularly her parents and Sirius Black. On the other hand, her extended family is nothing but a source of disgust and dismissal for her. She has a particular spot in her heart devoted entirely to hatred for Bellatrix Lestrange.

Because of of her abilities, Tonks' appearance fluctuates with her moods: pink or purple hair in times of good cheer, red in anger, mousy brown when she's feeling low. Duck bills, pig snouts, squashed noses, and everything in between when she's trying to be the center of attention. Her abilities reflect her moods, and when she's depressed, she has trouble using them at all. The constant shift from body to body, shape to shape, from the very start of her life has made her unable to get completely comfortable in her own skin, and she is, as she herself says, "Dead clumsy."

Granted, her clumsiness may also be down to another subconscious grab for attention.

Her sense of humour and confident demeanor are defense mechanisms in the face of hardship; she has grown up and lived in an era of unrest and war, and in order to stay sane and strong, she has learned to laugh and take pleasure in the simple things. She tries to stay positive. That said, she can be very gruff; after all, she's in law enforcement and being a pushover doesn't lend itself to being effective at her job. It takes effort, but she can be intimidating.

One of her biggest weaknesses is how ridiculously emotional and transparent she is; she is terrible at hiding how she feels, and this does open her up to a good deal of mockery (particularly from people like Snape). She is also given too often to flights of fancy, and does a good many things on a whim rather than thinking them through. It isn't particularly healthy, especially when other people are involved (Remus Lupin comes to mind.)

Tropes: Manic Pixie Dream Girl, Action Girl, Cute Clumsy Girl, Killed Off For Real

Object: One wand!

Reason for playing: I have an addiction to Harry Potter, and there aren't a lot of Order members in the game. Represent? Also, I think she would be fun to play in this setting and I want to prove you don't have to be insane to play her. It would be interesting to get her involved with the Sheriff in Mog Hill (?), possibly doing law enforcement again.

Gods: I think she and Carme would get along rather nicely.

Writing Samples
Players may choose to write three of the four writing samples. Additionally, for two of the three samples applicants may substitute links to previously written roleplaying threads of no less than eight substantial replies. We reserve the right to ask for an additional sample if more information is required.

First-Person Network Post:
[The video flickers on and shudders - not like there's interference, but like someone's hitting the side of the device. There's an image of the arrival room, then a shock of hair (bubblegum pink), then an eye (narrowed), a nose (wrinkled with disgust), and then it pulls away to show all of the features combined. The owner of the hair, eye, and nose is muttering to herself.]

Rubbish, is what it is. Muggle contraptions, never had time for them - can't complain about motorbikes and the like, but these bloody fellytones, auto-mobile cellulars - eurgh! Dad won't have anything at all to do with them and here they are expecting me to know how it's done, not a single instruction. Merlin's trousers, this is ridiculous!


Sodding piece of -


Oi! Someone answer me!

First-Person Journal Post:

Can't say I'm tickled pink with the theme of this particular party, but Sirius came along right behind me, didn't he? We'll be home in no time flat, him in his prime and all. Fit for fighting, the both of us. We'll keep to stunning spells, cut a path, home free.

The answer is still a resounding "no", by the way. Not in a million years. I don't care how close he is to my age now. He's my cousin, and I'd like to think my side of the family got that Pureblood intermingling nonsense out of their system with the great and powerful Ted Tonks.

Not going to be much of a happy ending for anyone in Baedal, anyhow.

...Besides, he won't have his motorbike. I've got standards.

Third-Person Action Post:

Nymphadora Lupin had no knowledge of the events occurring outside of the bubble that was her world - that is, this moment, this instant, Hogwarts, with the war raging around her and her husband lost somewhere in the midst of it. She therefore had no idea that her world was about to collide with that of a ship which carried the souls of the dead onward, towards their second chance. She had no idea it existed.

Wand at the ready, she tore through the halls of the castle, searching for Remus, her blood pumping with adrenaline and fear. She'd only had him for such a short while, and Teddy needed his father. She needed her husband. They couldn't take him from her. Not yet. She wasn't ready to let him go.

A wild spell hit the wall above her; she flung herself out of the way with only barely enough time to avoid being crushed in the rockfall. There was no room for clumsiness now. She fired off a hex to her right, disengaging what looked to be a sixth year Hufflepuff from their attacker. House camaraderie at its finest. There wasn't time to acknowledge one another, however, before she was on her feet and heading for the Great Hall.

"Remus!" she shouted, though she could barely hear herself over the sound of the battle.

Other: If you have any questions or comments on your character or application, those can go here.
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