Oct 11, 2008 09:16
so I come into work today at 9am thinking I am the opener in my setups area only to find out I don't work until 10. but as I'm walking in the door I hear my GM talking to a group of blues: "...I know there has been some concerns about the decrease of traffic and I'd like to tell you that, well, there has been a decrease of traffic, about 10% year to date. But you shouldn't worry!...". yeah right not only do I not give a shit about how good or bad bby is doing but trying to encourage your employees that they shouldn't worry about thier job security despite the fact the lifeline to the store is being crimped is just dumb. I am so sick of best buy right now. My department manger and the two people directly over me are complete deuchebags. I was threatened to be fired, in part, for providing reasons of why I deserve a raise. I have been working here now for 8 months and as corporate policy states, employees are to receive a review after 90 of starting work. I have had no review. It is at these reviews you discuss the possibility of a raise. Someone who started work about two months after I got hired got his review and subsequent raise. I make less than him. I am paid the least of anyone in the precinct. I have brought this up and no one wants to do anything about it.