(no subject)

Nov 04, 2012 08:40

I visited my parents for the weekend to work with Jen on painting the interiors of our cars. It took a long time to yank out of of her trim, losing only one clip; mine came out relatively easier, with one clip broken that I didn't even really need to futz with, but it's still in there tight so no worries.

Hers are coming out really well. She's changing her interior trim to white from the silver that it began as. I'm going to silver and red.

Well, I apparently didn't totally buff out all of the cleaner I used; that, or was applying too thick, at least on the black plastic. The silver plastic is taking the red gloss paint pretty well; spots that didn't take I ended up using some touch up paint on. It's textured a bit odd but that can be sanded back down next week. We ended up having to completely (well, mostly, completely would have been too crazy) strip the grey paint (yeah, it's grey; I got satin and it's duller than I thought) from the plastic and try again. Very light coats work so much better, so now it's coming out alright.

Okay, solutions for those? Well first, which I didn't realize but it's kind of a, "Well duh," the pieces all need to cure for a week before we do anything with them. I'm heading back to Saratoga for a shoot for work this afternoon, so Jen's going to keep working on things. Additionally she'll work on the Saturn design I wanted to work into the radio bezel; I'd be uncomfortable taping off the other portions right now.

Without the trim, my car's going to be rather bare in the meantime. It'll be interesting, but I'm coming back for Thanksgiving; three weeks or so. Not a huge deal.

Finally, to fix how dull the grey is and to be a general protectant anyway, a clearcoat is going to go on everything, and that should help to gloss that up.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing what they look like when they're done. It'll be interesting to see when I come back.


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