im jsut a fool for you...

Jun 05, 2005 01:40

Phony. What exactly is the meaning of this word? Hypocrite? Liar? Well, if you haven’t noticed, our world is full of them. Hell you mite even be one without noticing. Some people in this world need to stop and think sometimes. You may complain and despise someone for one thing. but you turn around and do the same. <-- aka a phony. I can name a phony. His name is ------,. Of course though, if you know me you’ll know EXACTLY whom this person is I am mentioning. Poor young ------. Lost. Confused. Without any faith or hope in his life to aid him in his guidance. It’s a shame. It really is. He says things to me that only make sense in his mind but to the rest of the world he’s nothing but one big phony. Everyday I hear about him liking some other girl, its sad he just doesn’t realize that sooner or later he’s going to end up asking every girl in the school and their all going to feel like he doesn’t even like them, that they feel he is just using them. (------...if you read this. please realize it now so you don’t end up embarrassing yourself. I know were not friends at all. But I can’t talk to you so i feel this is the only way.) It seems to me that he uses his excuses, and his pathetic pick up lines to hide him from the reality the rest of the world lives in. he refuses to grow up. Honestly, he has to have things his way. Well ------...when yeh get into the real world. its either their way or well....ha-ha ill let you find that out on your own. But enough about that jerk. Let’s move on shall we? Keep all hands and arms inside the trolley at all times and no one will get thrown off and see the wrath of heather

Warning: if I say that im going to do something. Like a threat of some sort. I most likely wont do it. But if you get me pissed enough I will. I haven’t yet. I lied. Once I did. And it worked out perfectly. This is dedicated to someone. I already have plans figured out. Your prob not scared. And frankly I don’t care if your scared or not. Just expect the unexpected.

Drama....I HATE people who cause it. Yes I know I do cause drama. Everyone does. But some people need to stop smoking the drama plant or something causes their getting seriously drugged up on it.

Ive been trying to write this entry for over the past couple of days. I don’t know I just can’t get all of my thoughts organized.
Meghan and Jeff are FINALLY going out.
Graeme turned 16 last weekend. Im throwing him a “party” tomarrow. Lol not much of a party just cake and movies. Bleh. Last Friday was worlds fair day…it was dumb. But it was also senior prob. I almost missed jimmy and amy getting pictures taken because of Robbie. Lalksjdkjahds.

Today was meghans scrapbooking party. It was fun. I made a page of jimmys senior prom. Then I went to meagans dance recitle. It was awsomeness. Except for the fact that there were people there who sing worse than me…and I didn’t think it was possible…dun dun dun .

I felt like writing my some of my poems on here so here goes nothing :

Never-mind. I decided not to. Figure why should I waste my time typing my poems when no one is going to read them, understand them, or appreciate them? Its rele just not worth spilling your true emotions out the world, especially to people who wont understand why you wrote the words you did. No one will look past the words within the stanzas and the stanzas within the actual poem itself to see the true meaning, or to see the true symbolism or emotion im trying to let out. Its just not worth it.

Welp I spose that’s it.

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