It tastes like burning

Apr 20, 2006 14:45

200. My middle name is: Thomas

199. I was born on: August the 13th

198. I am a(n): human being

197. My cell phone company is: Verizon

196. My eye color is: brown

195. My shoe size is: 11ish

194. My ring size is: Ring size? What the fuck? They have sizes for those things? I wear the round ones

193. My height is: 6'1" 2"?

192. I am allergic to: Nothing

191. I was born in: Oak Bluffs Massachusetts

190. I live in: Boston

189. The last book I read: So Long a Letter by Mariama Ba

188. My bed is: in my bedroom

187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex is: that they're a whole fuckton more attractive than my sex.

177. I was born: that, uh, pretty much sums it up.

179. My favorite Holiday is: Thanksgiving. I mean come on, delicious...

178. The perfect kiss is: written by William Goldman in his book The Princess Bride

177. The last three cd's I bought are: Gee this one takes me back, uh, let's see. Khana Uru, 40 years at the Crystal Palace, and the Avenue Q soundtrack (but not in that order)

176. Last song that made me cry was: Motorcycle Drive-by.

172. My most treasured possession(s) is(are): My computer

170. What did you do last night: Argued online about elitism and the such, read chapter six of Gulliver's Travels, slept a little, procrastinated a lot.

167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): Burn

:::::I Do/Do Not Believe In:::::
143. Santa? I believe in what Santa embodies
142. Love at first sight? not really, no
141. Luck? sure
140. Fate? I cannot believe in fate
139. God? Yes. Even if christianity has ruined the word by not coming up with a bloody name for their deity (You can always count on christianity for originality) I do believe in God, and I won't like the connotations ruin that for me.
138. Aliens? Sure. I mean, the universe is fucking huge, what would be the point if it's just us?
137. Heaven? Not so much
136. Hell? I believe in what Hell embodies (IE: Santa)
135. Ghosts? nope
134. Horoscopes? Yeah, they're fucking everywhere, how could you not believe in them? I only listen to the ones in The Onion though.
135. Soulmates? Yes, those and Twin Flames

:::::Which is Better?:::::

129. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs, everyone knows that the white chocolate stripes kick ass. duh.

128. Drunk or High: Drunk. Unless you're high on life, that shit will mess you up.

127. Phone or Online: online definitely.

126. Red heads or Black hair: black

125. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunette

124. Hot or cold: hot

123. Summer or winter: summer

122. Coffee or tea: HOT APPLE CIDER!

121. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

120. Night or Day: Day. Come on, stop trying to be all "Oh I'm so dark and mysterious I like the night" That's bullshit, the day kicks ass, you know why? Because you can SEE! and it's goddamned warm out! I swear to god if they got rid of the lousy watershed and the FCC there'd be no point in night time.

119. Oranges or Apples: Apples, I'm an apple connoisseur

118. Curly or Straight hair: straight, for the most part

:::::Here's What I Think About:::::

116. Abortion: I'd like to say that I'm pro life, because that's just better, but to be honest I don't think that any one who'd consider an abortion could be a good parent, and I don't think any kid of theirs could have a future, so in all honesty, I'm pro death. For both the child and the mother.

115. Backstabbers: Fuck 'em

114. Parents: Yeah, Parents are good. At least mine were

110. School: It's pretty damned useful, I'm not gonna lie.

::::Last time I::::

102. Last time I hugged someone: uhh, I think I might have hugged Anna on friday...

101. Seen someone you havent seen forever?: When I was on island I saw Ms. Carlette [sp?], my old elementary school Librarian, fortunately I ran away before she saw me too.

99. Grew: Last Night. I'm not fucking kidding.


90. Who's the ditziest person you know: ooh, tough. Katherine, by far.

89. Who makes you laugh the most: I do. And then my brother. Mainly because my communication with him consist of a weekly joke letter he forwards me for the most part.

87. One thing I'm mad about right now is: All this shit I have to do, and cannot get done.

83. The last movie I saw in the theater was: Scary Movie 4

82. The thing I really don't understand is: I don't understand the Ladies.

80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received: "Why?" Fuck you all and your answers that are questions! I mean, I've had a "Over my dead body" that was more satisfactory than your "why"s

79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: The attention they show me.

76. This summer I am: Working 60 hours a week! Again!

75. Something I have really missed since I left home is: My cats.

74. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: going to see BOB FUCKING SAGET on sunday!

73. Tomorrow: I get to go to math class!

72. Today: I'm wasting my life

71. Next Summer: I'm going to spend all my free time bitching and moaning about not having any free time

70. Next Week: Is the last of my freshman year of College. FREAKY!

67. People call me: Ben, B-Boogie, Ben-Boogie, You, Gramkowski, Prostitute, Fuckwad, and on the phone on ocasion.

62. The person who knows the most about me is: uh, me?

61. The person that can read me the best is: either Casey or Kiyoshi... the kid's never been wrong

60. The most difficult thing to do is: call people on the phone, ask a girl out

56. My zodiac sign is: Leo

55. The first person I thought i was in love with was: Casey

53. The one person who can't hide things from me: Yeah, pretty much everyone can (and does) hide things from me, it's not too tough. Considering I hardly ever talk with people, you know, face to face. It's damned easy to lie online.

51. Right now I am talking to: Mary, intermittently.

48. I have/will get a job at: Stagecoach Taxi

47. I have these pets: 2 cats 2 birds (Unfortunately), numerous fish.

46. I hope: that I can stop eating all this godamned ice cream.

45. The worst sound in the world is: Key in the admission with the driver's side door open. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnoying

44. The person that makes me cry the most is: er... my mother, it's kind of bad, huh.

35. Florida or hawaii: Hawaii, Florida fucking blows ass.

33. My favorite piece of clothing is: the 80s shirt. it MOVES!

32. My favorite sport to watch is: Golf! or Billiards. I honestly watch billiards more I think, those people are goddamned AMAZING!

31. Last time I cried: when I watch radio flyer the other week, amazing movie.

28. The school I go to/went to was: So-Fuck U.

27. Last person I got mad at: This chick on line who came into my club of people who are better than everyone else and told us all how bad elitism is. But we showed her.

22. The all-time best movie is: The Princess Bride

21. The all-time best thing in the world is: CADBURY CREAM EGG!

19. The most annoying thing ever is: very hard to get rid of.

18. The most annoying person you know is: ROBERT MENJE. Followed (by a long shot) by Shannon, with whatshisface Julian from the play last year coming in a close third.

17. I lose all respect for people who: are remotely like me.

16. The movies I have cried at are: really fucking good movies. Except Jurassic Park 3, I cried for humanity because of that one.

15. Closest friend(s) Name(s): I don't deal with close friends.

14. TV show you're watching: Prison Break! sooo good. Family Guy, Dr. Who, Stargate, CSI, MXC, that's pretty much it. Oh, wait, Whose Line!

13. Favorite web site: Hmm, one of the webcomics.

12. I want to be: fabulously rich.

11. The worst pain I was ever in was: When I pulled my neck skiing that time.

10. My favorite phrase: "They'll lap that shit up like Anti-Freeze at a petting zoo." or "They'll be all over that like Ugly on Whoopie Goldberg." or "Each child is Nature's Attempt to create the Perfect Human Being."and many more...

9. My room: Is where I sleep, and thrown piles of clothes around.

8. My favorite celebrity is: Steve Buschemi!

7. Are you missing anyone: Yeah, I'm missing anyone

5. My weakness is: people.

4. What turns me on is: Lesbians.

3. Who broke your heart: ....

2. I filled out 200 questions because: it kicks the ass out of that essay I have for humanities.

1. if you were stuck in a burning building with 3 magical kittens what would you do?: mmm, roasted kittens...
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