Aug 29, 2009 18:40
Back from our trip to "the Cape". Thursday was a really nice day to drive home, but man 'm tired!
We stayed in Woonsocket, RI the first night and just as we were almost packed to go Mom fell over her feet on the thick carpet and did a face plant on the floor. Thank goodness she didn't break any bones, but she did have a gash in her forehead that was bleeding. Long story short - ambulance - three blocks to hospital - really nice staff - superglue - x-rays - cat-scan. She bruises faster than fruit and ended up looking like a raccoon all week -still does, but she was still able to get around with the walker. I got really good at slinging it in and out of the backseat. The walker is the main reason I didn't on coming home early. She did have a lovely time otherwise. Got to see people she hasn't seen in 5 years, bought a few treasures at the auction which was why we went in the first place.
While she was at the auction & viewing, I drove out to Provincetown, climbed the Highland Lighthouse and the Pilgrim Monument, saw a seal, seagulls and a Peregrine falcon, spent several hours at Plimouth Plantation and the Mayflower II, went shopping in Hyannis, stopped at a couple glass places and generally drove around getting a feel for Cape Cod. I totally understand why people want to summer there! I bought all the appropriate trinkets and t-shirts to prove I was there. On the way home we stopped in Lenox, Mass to visit "the Mount" Edith Warton's one time home which she designed and landscaped. Really lovely!
For my next trick I will convert my weedy back yard into a pristine English garden!