Hangovers Cost $148 Billion in Lost Wages

Jul 13, 2006 15:00

If life were fair, you'd actually be rewarded for coming to work with a hangover. But instead, you get nothing but strange looks from the boss, a message form your wussy drinking buddy who called in sick and a splitting fluorescent-light headache. Bad enough, right? Well, it gets worse: You're also costing the economy $148 billion a year in lost wages, says a University of California study.

But drinking isn't the only problem that's costing American companies billions. Here are some other bad habits that suck the money right out of companies' coffers each year:

• Workers who show up to work horny: $92 million.

• Workers who show up to work and think it's Friday when it's actually Thursday: $149,000.

• Workers who show up to work after getting a haircut and then everyone in the office has to comment: $60 billion.

• Workers who show up to work after watching a killer episode of The Sopranos and need to talk about it with whoever will listen: $4 million.

• Workers who show up to work with one sock turned inside out: $510.

• Workers who show up to work with both socks turned inside out: $510.80.

• Workers who show up to work with a strange hunger for olives that can't be satisfied: $9 million.

• Workers who show up to work after boxing an ape: $4 million.

• Workers who show up after committing the perfect crime, but begin to wonder if maybe it wasn't so perfect after all: $7 million.

• Workers who show up to work with a bag filled with bottle caps, but when asked what the bottle caps are for, they just act like there is no bag filled with bottle caps: $19 million.
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