For the San Francisco Zoo Tiger

Dec 28, 2007 18:16

Tatiana, O!
a poem

Tiger, tiger burning bright
Killing people isn’t right
Think you got some good excuses?
Blow it out your striped cabooses.

Yes, your boredom in your cage
Sent you in a killing rage;
Yes, those assholes taunting you
Made you angry through-and-through;

But dear, you must understand
This is my stern reprimand
For the carnage you have wrought
And the lessons you have taught

Such as “fuck with me and die!’
Or: “I eat humans when they cry.”
None of these make me feel happy
And those twins you bit feel crappy.

I can be your good advisor
On curbing them big incisors
Don’t you know they rip through flesh
Like my dick shreds swimsuit mesh?

If a mammal has big teeth,
Everyone in the world agreeth
He must work on easing stress
And flying into rages less

Breathe, O, Tatiana, breathe!
Make your body feel at eathe
Now relax your every muscle
Tune out life’s hustle and bustle.

Swallow twice and think things through
Question everything you do

And most of all, this is the key:
Don’t challenge the world you see.
That cage you’re in? Hey, don’t fight it
That arm outstretched? Hey, don’t you bite it.

The habitat you left behind?
Put it right out of your mind.
Miss your family in Bengal?
Don’t write letters. Don’t make calls.

Just accept your caged-in fate
Make it look like you feel great
Pace your ground and don’t stir up
Trouble in a coffee cup

Just relax, don’t try to fight
Accept that your captor’s right
Challenging your situation
Will just cause undue frustration

And when people visit you
And say, “haha, fuck you fool!
You can’t get me! I’m out here!
You’re in there! I have no fear!

Look, he’s getting angry dude!
To bad he can’t reach people food!
Haha, humans are the best
Fuck you tiger, and with your mama make incest!”

You just sit and stand your ground
Don’t make a peep, don’t make a sound
The world around you can’t be changed
The system won’t be rearranged

You’ll be happy as you are
Like a bug trapped in a jar
Gently wiling all your days
Feeling good and so blasé

Your brain will empty and disappear
You’ll have no thoughts, like Brittney Spears
And then you will satisfied
And the zoo will be gratified

As visitors all come and go
And zoo bank accounts grow and grow
And wild beasts will appear tame
And animals behave the same

Tiger, tiger, burning bright
Dare not struggle; do not fight
Be like humans, and never tire
By letting all your dreams expire.
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