Men men men men men men men men men men men men men men men men

Jan 26, 2006 10:16

Well well well. Look what we have here. Poor little Michael Anglin, who's name not only sounds like a popular MALE pasttime but also includes many of the letters found in "vagina", and who, furthermore, unfortunately escaped LEGALIZED ABORTION and was born, has decided to file suit against Milton's schools because they are discriminating against their pitiable Male students. Michael! How daring! It must have taken a lot of masculine courage to stand up against the juggernaut that is our current matriarchal system and say, "Attention America! I am a poor little Male victim! I am a sad littleGuy who needs extra attention!"

Reading further in the Globe article -- which required several swipes at the ol' eyes to wipe down the tears that tend to well up whenever I encounter such harrowing tales of heroic stabs at injustice -- I discover that Men are naturally rebels. Well no fucking shit! I mean, isn't it obvious that's why so many of them dress exactly like their favorite NASCAR drivers and work in corporate jobs and all get married at roughly the same age and have nearly identical numbers of children? Why else would so many of them choose to do spontaneous things like overturn cars when the Patriots win a Superbowl? Why else, speaking of the Patriots, would the Krafts be planning a huge mall in Foxborough specifically targetting Men? It is as plain as the boring clothes and uninteresting haircut sported by Michael Anglin in today's Globe: Given the choice, Men choose the path less trod.

While we are on the subject of Men, I would like to give an extra special shout-out to a really stand-up guy who is playing a backseat role in Anglin's noble mission. This Man, of course, is Anglin's father, the lawyer in Boston. Atty. Anglin has decided to do what so many father's refuse to do in this society: he is embracing his son's dreams. No, it's more than that: he is actually willing to risk his career by filing this lawsuit on behalf of his son. Kudos, Atty. Anglin! As should be obvious to anyone familiar with your claim, you are evidently NOT an asshole who encourages his economically privileged, alabaster white children to create a false sense of victimization in order to embolden their cocks so they know they can accomplish (or rebel against) ANYTHING, no matter how patently offensive or intellectually unsound their arguments. No, Atty. Anglin, it is pretty clear to me that you would have very little to do with your son's lawsuit, other than just jotting down his dictation. Thanks for being such a sport, Atty.

I would also like to give special credit to Kelli Little, who, despite her diminutive name, is actually quite powerful: she is student body president. Now as though the fact that a girl is student body president isn't anecdotal evidence enough, Little comes at ya with all kinds of fancy statistics and killer bullet points supporting Anglin's claims. Men are stopped in hallways! Men are not enrolling in Spanish courses! Men are expected to buy pink paper and frills to decorate their notebooks! Oh. The humanity. Thank you, Kelli Little, for coming down off your lofty gender-and-democratically-privileged pedestal to regale us with such thoughtful observations. It is mighty bold of you to support Anglin in his ambitious plot to reverse forty years of feminist progress.

I do not want to continue commenting on the quest to end Male victimization. Lord knows there's all kinds of praise I could lay upon Michael Anglin for his innovative plans to support sports in our high schools, lower academic achievement goals for Male students, and eliminate those pesky community service requirements that demand Men actually improve themselves and their communities in a most faggy manner. No, I will leave it to other bards to sing those praises; as for me, I need to follow Atty. Anglin's advice and go see my academic advisor about retroactively lowering my unfortunate GPA. It's not as masculine as Michael Anglin's enviably butch 2.88, but if I can get them to knock off a couple points, I can get there. Hell, a Man can dream.
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