Nov 02, 2009 08:18
November is National Novel Writing Month, where the insane creatively-minded try to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I signed up for NaNo a few years ago, and didn't meet the challenge. I had too much going on and couldn't devote the hours to the work every day. Besides, my process isn't one where I sit and write each day for a set amount of time. I work in fits and starts, sitting and writing for long periods (okay, when I used to have long periods of time).
But this year, I have a project that I've already started and need to finish before Christmas. Ideally, I'd finish a draft and do a revision before the holidays. So I need a little discipline. Technically, you're not supposed to do NaNo with a project in the works, which is why I'm not officially signed up. I also have somewhere in the neighborhood of 8500 words already, and that's not good for official NaNo-ing, either. But we all know that I love a deadline--and a challenge--and so here I go. If I finish it, great. If I don't, well, there's nothing to feel badly about--I'll have made good headway on it, and still have nearly a month to finish before my deadline. It's a no-lose situation.
Do you have a project that you're working on this month?