Okay, I have a zillion other things I need to be doing right now--including warming some pureed squash for CC--and about 6 posts that I should put up instead (including one on revisions and another on germinating new ideas), but I have to stop and say: READ THIS BOOK!
I started it last night, after I put CC down for bed, and I just finished it. And, as I told Nancy in my embarassingly gushing email earlier today, finishing ANYTHING in that short of a time period, with a 7 month old to take care of, is no easy feat. The book is that good.
It's the story of Lucy Scarborough, who's mom is insane, and whose family has been cursed by the Elfin Night. She has to complete three seemingly impossible tasks, or she is doomed to the same fate as her mother--and all Scarborough women before her.
Told in multiple POVs, IMPOSSIBLE is the story of true love--between man and woman, mother and child, and the ties that make family strong. It's dark and sexy and different.
I loved-loved-loved it. You will, too!
Okay, someone is demanding her veggies....