A real real-time chess board

Dec 04, 2024 23:10

Two years ago I talked about a spherical chess variant. Now, I want to mention real time chess, where players can move their pieces at will, with the only limit being once a piece is moved, you can't move it for five seconds. And there's no check or checkmate-you win by capturing the opponent's king.

The problem with real time chess is that you really can't play it on a real board, since you would have to trust the other player not to move a piece immedately after moving it (and the other player would have to trust you to do the same). That is, unless you have a special chess set built just for the game. It's a cool set-the board and all the pieces are metal, with each square having an electromagnet to hold the piece down, and LED lighting to indicate when a piece can and can't move. But no mention of the cost-it's probably one of those “if you have to ask, you can't afford it” type things.

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