May 21, 2005 13:39
the formal is like less than a month away! and i dont no why everyone wants me and ken to go together jese. & todays megans birthday! yay I really want to no if a vegitarian eats animal crackers!? Ah Bush is coming to Greece.. ew?
Theres only 2 more games left in Lax. =( im really guna miss it. Hopefully kevin will bring us frostys this timee since its our last home game on thrusday.
Which friend is the....
.: x craziest- alexa or sydney
.: x sweetest- uhm alot of them
.: x prettiest- kerrie or megan
.: x smartest- cassandraa
.: x girly- not sure prolly jessica p.
.: x easiest to be grossed out- lol idk
.: x blondest- nicole cummings
.: x honest- nicole richards
.: x trustworthy- all of them..
.: x sporty- tracie, kristin or phil
.: x animal lover- amy
.: x computer genious- ken
.: x xanga nerd- quimby? ken? lol idk
.: x funniest- mmmm
.: x drama person- not sure
.: x band person- ken or kristin
.: x person that always gets their homework done- cassandra
.: x flirtiest- philll!!
.: x most likely to give you a headache? peter...well hes not my friend but hes GoD Annoying!
About your friends and past friends
.: x which friend have you known the longest? mike..
.: x which friend have you known the least? megan lol
.: x who was your first best friend? sydney
.: x is he/she still you friend? yup
.: x which friend do you miss the most? ..john? cuase i never talk to him ne more lol idk
.: x has one of your best friends ever moved away? unfortunately
.: x who has the most classes with you? Kristin
.: x pick one friend and tell one of your favorite memories... uhm leaf and bean.
Which one of your buds is most likely to....
.: x be a teacher cassandra?
.: x become a computer person? ken
.: x become a stay at home mom? dan lol
.: x live life on the wild side? uhm idk
.: x travel all over the world? LC cuz shes rich!
.: x become famous? cody w/ his band
.: x fall in love before 20? kerrie
.: x become a sports star? sarah tracie phil or kristin
.: x not go to college? sorry
.: x get married twice? mike Idk
.: x have 4 kids? john. i think u no why lol
.: x become a telemarketer? ken daha
.: x be your best friend throughout your whole life? Kristin or phil
.: x be at home doing nothing but eating and watching tv? duhh um eric? lol idk
.: x be a serious business person? sierra
.: x become someone with a job that helps people? katie?
.: x end up on road rules or real world? oh jese uhm Megan? lol
.: x copy and paste this survey on their livejournal? idk..
yup thats it for now. <3 comment it.