turps did this, and I thought hey I haven't done a meme in a while, so why not:
If you had to delete all but five of your fanworks, which five would you keep and why? (Or ten if you're more prolific.)
run for yer life [the beatles] - if there was one single project that Lori and I agree is our complete and utter absolute pet baby favourite, it's this. Because this thing is the product of our entire fannish lives together, from when we were wee girls in Trinidad watching that god-awful Beatles cartoon to when we were teenagers hunting down cheap books about the group to now when we've discovered all the bounty of YouTube Beatles footage and can look at their drug use and breakup with grown-up, indulgent eyes. Plus, they are serial killers, because apparently that's how we show our love: plotting George Harrison the unrepentant murderer in a sunny kitchen while making breakfast one weekend, you know, the way sisters do.
brains go great with aquavit [popslash - I've written a lot of popslash that's more, like, artsy and meaningful and whatnot, but this smush of travel memoir and Practical Magic rip-off holds a special place in my heart because writing it was so, so much fun and Beth beta'ed it for me, which is always a delightful experience (she is seriously the best editor EVER). Also I spontaneously decided to draw a crappy Venn diagram and use that as a punchline, and I'll stop there before I get bitchy, lol.
keep your palms flat [futurama] - If I were ever going to podfic my own work (which won't happen b/c I suck COLOSSALLY at podficcing, I've been working on one for over a year), anyhow this would be the one I'd do, super-shitty character voices and all. Y'all don't even WANT to hear how bad my Zoidberg is. But the voices in the story sound like the show, and all in all it just makes me happy to have written it, because I can't believe at this point in fandom people will STILL read good Simpsons or Futurama fic and be like, "Whaaaaaa? Good, serious fic in this fandom? WHAAAAAAAAAAA?!?!?"
three-part disharmony [homicide: life on the street] - This was the fandom where I wrote my first (fairly) sophisticated grown-up fics -- which of course seem so clunky and juvenile now when I go back and read them -- and allowed me a space to explore race/class/gender that comicfandom was ... not so hot on, back in the day. Anyhow, going back to that fandom after years of writing resulted in something that's much better than my earlier stuff and still felt so comforting and satisfying to write!
to serve the gods [road to el dorado] - My little dark horse of a story, post-movie and focused on Chel. Like, what? I just remember watching the movie -- which I adore -- and realizing that I wanted to know more and see more, how in the world Chel could reconcile loving these two (lovable!) guys who basically heralded the genocide of her people. Plus, there's a lot going on with Chel in the movie that's only hinted at, so I always wondered. I'm not generally that type of fic-writer, I just like to write rambling silly things about food and pop culture, but one in a while I get one off that took more thought, heh.
Yay, everybody should do this meme!
comments over yonder on
http://bossymarmalade.dreamwidth.org/513755.html, y'all.