Friends Only

Jan 01, 2015 00:00

Friends Only
Comment to be considered.
Don't expect me to add, if you don't comment, or if I don't know you from somewhere.

previously known as kristallmond
graphics @ karteikasten

about me;
Sue; 22; Psychology student; German; part French, but couldn't speak French if her life depended on it maybe just then; perfectionist; know-it-all; procrastinator; likes to pretend she's organized but really isn't; obsessive; random; caffeine addict; hyper; loses herself in weird monologues every once in a while; sometimes has a very Sheldon-y attitude towards spoilers - other times not so much; overthinks everything; patient... sometimes; weird; child at heart; creative or likes to think she is; makes graphics since sometime in '05; writes in RPGs since '03;

the ___ to my ___ meme

everyone can see this

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