Books & Movies in 2011

Jan 01, 2011 14:29

movies; 077|150 [17 rewatches|60 new ones]

001 01. [04|10] Date Night
002 03. [10|10] Tomorrow, When The War Began ♥
003 04. [08|10] The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader ☼
004 06. [08|10] Wild Child ♥ ☼
005 08. [04|10] Mädchen Mädchen
006 08. [05|10] Mädchen Mädchen 2
007 10. [04|10] Monty Python & the Holy Grail
008 10. [07|10] Das Labyrinth der Wörter ~
009 11. [03|10] Solomon Kane
010 13. [06|10] Monty Python - The Life of Brian
011 13. [06|10] Zweiohrkücken ☼
012 16. [09|10] Vincent Will Meer ♥ ☼
013 19. [09|10] Fantastic Mr. Fox ~
014 20. [04|10] Anger Management
015 25. [08|10] Imagine Me & You
016 25. [06|10] Männerherzen
017 27. [07|10] Die Fetten Jahre Sind Vorbei ☼
018 27. [09|10] The Truman Show

018 movies
005 rewatches
013 new ones
002 cinema (1 unicinema)

019 02. [08|10] Prestige ☼
020 02. [03|10] Vampires Suck ☼
021 04. [05|10] Tucker & Dale vs. Evil ~
022 06. [08|10] Big Fish ☼
023 07. [08|10] Loriot - Pappa Ante Portas ~
024 10. [07|10] Kokowääh ~
025 15. [06|10] Tron Legacy [3D] ~
026 16. [06|10] It's Kind of a Funny Story
027 18. [07|10] Soloalbum
028 19. [08|10] Spuk aus der Gruft ♥ ☼
029 19. [08|10] Spuk im Reich der Schatten ♥ ☼
030 19. [09|10| Friendship ♥
031 20. [07|10] Kammerflimmern
032 21. [10|10] Never Let Me Go ♥
033 21. [06|10] Black Swan
034 24. [10|10] The King's Speech ~
035 25. [07|10] Winter's Bone
036 26. [10|10] The Social Network ♥
037 26. [06|10] The Kids Are All Right
038 27. [09|10] Blue Valentine ♥
039 27. [09|10] 127 Hours

021 movies
005 rewatches
016 new ones
005 cinema (1 unicinema)

040 01. [09|10] Boy A
041 02. [06|10] The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus
042 05. [02|10] Black Sheep
043 05. [05|10] Silent Hill
044 05. [06|10] 28 Days Later
045 05. [04|10] Doomsday
046 05. [01|10] Crank 2
047 13. [10|10] The Social Network ♥ ☼
048 16. [04|10] The Others
049 16. [05|10] Dark Water
050 16. [07|10] The Ring ☼
051 16. [08|10] Fido
052 18. [04|10] Mother and Child ~
053 19. [04|10] Tekken
054 20. [07|10] Wild Target
055 20. [09|10] Tangled ♥
056 21. [07|10] Megamind
057 29. [07|10] Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part I ♥ ☼

018 movies
003 rewatches
015 new ones
001 cinema

058 04. [07|10] Hop ~
059 10. [07|10] A Walk to Remember ☼
060 12. [05|10] R.E.D ~
061 13. [06|10] Sucker Punch ~
062 15. [04|10] I Phone You ~
063 17. [08|10] Star Wars IV: A New Hope ☼
064 19. [08|10] We Want Sex ~
065 20. [07|10] Elling
066 22. [07|10] Equilibrium ☼

009 movies
003 rewatches
006 new ones
005 cinema (2 unicinema)

067 01. [09|10] About A Boy ☼ ♥
068 03. [02|10] Mein Glück ~
069 04. [06|10] Thor ~
070 08. [08|10] Network
071 08. [05|10] Signs
072 ??. [08|10] Primal Fear

005 movies
001 rewatches
005 new ones
002 cinema (1 unicinema)

073 03. [05|10] Source Code ~
074 10. [07|10] Cracks
075 13. [09|10] Hanna ~
076 14. [09|10| X-Men: First Class ~
077 17. [10|10] Trust

books; 021|050 [7 rereads|14 new books]

001 06. ☼ James Marsden - Tomorrow #1; Tomorrow, When The War Began ☼
002 15. ☼ James Marsden - Tomorrow #2; The Dead of the Night ☼
003 20. Emma Donoghue - Room
004 31. Markus Zusak - I'm the Messenger

005 07. Paulo Coelho - Veronika Decides to Die
006 16. Mary E. Pearson - The Adoration of Jenna Fox

007 02. Kazuo Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go
008 06. Beth Revis - Across the Universe
009 09. Susanna Kaysen - Girl, Interrupted
010 18. ☼ James Marsden - Tomorrow #3; A Killing Frost ☼
011 22. ☼ James Marsden - Tomorrow #4; Darkness, Be My Friend ☼

012 ☼ James Marsden - Tomorrow #5; Burning for Revenge ☼
013 ☼ James Marsden - Tomorrow #6; The Night is for Hunting ☼
014 ☼ James Marsden - Tomorrow #7; The Other Side of Dawn ☼
015 Sarah Shepard - The Lying Game
016 Sarah Shepard - Pretty Little Liars #9; Twisted

017 Rachel Hawkins - Hex Hall #1; Hex Hall
018 Rachel Hawkins - Hex Hall #2; Demon Glass
019 Sarah Shepard - The Lying Game #2; Never Have I Ever

020 Jean-Claude Mourlevat - Winter's End
021 Cat Clarke - Entangled

currently reading

☼ - rewatch/reread
~ - watched at the cinema
♥ - pretty much self-explanatory

everyone can see this, lj: scrapbook

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