Skins 2x10 picspam

Apr 15, 2008 15:35

Post includes a very extensive picspam, so beware...

I loved this episode. It was a nice ending and the perfect amount of laughters and tears.

And since Chris was my favourite character I also have to say, it was a nice send off. He'd have loved to be stolen in his coffin, just to be brought back a couple minutes later and the fireworks during his funeral.

And Jal's speach.
Oh I cried and once I started I couldn't stop for the rest of the episode. It really hit me, then: It's over. It really is over. There won't be any episodes with this cast again. Well maybe some cameos, but in some ways series 3 will be like a new show.

I will watch the first episodes of the "new show" though. It deserves a chance, but if it's crap, I'll stop watching immediately and remember skins for what it is/was/whatever.

Well back to the episode, I need a picspam to express my love. :)

I love this shot of the opening sequence. Poor Anwar all alone, while the others go off in different directions.
Normally I wouldn't even care about him, but somehow I even liked him and Michelle in this episodes, who were my least favourite characters. Well done, Skins.

Hello, Season 1 flashback!
And just how awesome was that scene? I cracked up at Tony's shocked expression and Sid going all "Cassie who? Nooo, I haven't thought about her for days."

"There is one thing, are you naked too?"
"No, again, that's just you."
"I know it's your bedroom, but would you mind go out of bed first?"

Replace NY with Sid... Poor Sid. Now he really needs to talk to her:

"Soo, this is odd: You, me, my bedroom, my bed. I need answers Cassie, I need answers right now!"
I somehow doubt she got the message.

"Oh, you're Sid? I imagined you to be fatter for some reason. With bigger ears.
"Don't have many photos of you there, do they? Just little pictures of batman."
"Well, I like batman."

I love it, because it's a clear reference to his nightlight retro glow-in-the-dark batman from Series 1. Yay.

"Anwar, are you masturbating? I thought that was a more interesting thing to ask then are you asleep?"

I like Anwar better, when he isn't just the comic relief, but shows he is a bit more than this boy who doesn't care for anything but sex. Those little scenes of him, Over the episode showed his uncertainty and worry.

"You just go back to whatever you were doing. Do some more masturbating."

Just how pretty is Larissa?

I loved that little moment and actually teared up a bit. I can't believe she had the abortion. Must have been around the time of his death. I doubt she would've gone through with it after he died. It's sad to think that everything of Chris died around the same time.
I am not opposed to abortions in any way, especially at a young age like Jal's. And it really is her decision to make, but I still think it's really sad with Chris' death and all...

My first reaction to that scene was: WTF, Michelle, you self-absorbed bitch.

And then came this little moment. I loved Michelle's speach about Chris and their first meeting, although I was secretly hoping Jal would tell how she first met Chris as well. *looks at all those brilliant fanfic writers*

Gotta love that funeral director. Hee.
"Fathers and sons. It's like mothers and daughters, but different. Less oestrogen."

Yay, BFF time.

Chris definitely would've loved it! I bet he'd even enjoy the Britney Spears music.

I love how everyone, but Maxxie's boyfriend are so nonchalant about the fact that there's a fucking coffin on the table.


"I've been thinking about what Chris would've want me to say today. The advice he'd give me, which would be something like:
Know what, babe? Fuck it. These guys know all about me, tell them about something different. So I thought I'd say something about a hero of Chris', a man called Captain Joe Kittinger:
In 1960 climbing into a foil balloon, Captain Joe ascended 32 kilometres into the stratosphere and then armed only with a parachute, he jumped out. He fell for 4 minutes and 36 seconds reaching 714 miles per hour before opening his parachute 5 kilometres above the earth. It had never been done before and has never been done since. He did it because he could and that's why Chris loved him.
Because the thing about Chris was, he said YES. He said yes to everything. He loved everyone. He was the bravest boy - man - I knew. And that was; he slung himself out of a foil baloon every day. Because he could, because he was and that's why... and that's why... we loved him."

*cries even more*

Rest in Peace!

I loved that scene as well. The looks between everyone, when they realized they will al be going separate ways, to London, York, Cardiff (hello Torchwood), New York, music college...

Loved Sketch's return and secretly hoped she and Anwar would get together at the end, again.
Maybe they don't have the most empathic conversations, but I think they still care about each other, otherwise they wouldn't go talk to each other about the grades. I wonder how Sketch did in her A Levels.

Such a beautiful scene and Chris' dad redeemed himself to me.
"The idea you cared enough to ban us all, he would've liked that. You fought for the wrong reasons, but you fought."

"Dude, no one wears pants in London"

Still weird Anwar left without any clothes and without telling someone and without a ticket. Ah well... *shrugs* Still enjoyed the friendship.
And poor Sketch, I may be in the minority, but I always liked her. She is creepy, yes, but she is interesting and in some ways I can understand her. Maybe she'll be in Series 3 as well? I mean she did say something about finding new friends.

"So, the three of us, in the car, together again... and we've all seen each other naked. Which is... nice"
Oh, Sid...

Loved that look between Tony and Michelle and I never really cared about the ship.

"Why would I want to go to New York?"
"She's thin, blonde, she says "wow" a lot."

Loved Tonys impression of Cassie. I wonder where he got the money from, but really after Cassie's episode this isn't so unrealistic.

And again someone leaves without telling anyone about it or did he? They still are wearing the same clothes, but Sid has a bag, right? Maybe I shouldn't think about it.
Anyway. After that second cap I was angry, I wanted a hug, damnit and then:

"One, get rid of the hat, it makes you look retared. Two, I always loved you the most. Three, I can't think of a three."

I wish we'd have seen more of their friendship this series.

Oh, and Sid puts on the hat again once he's in New York. Loved that bit. (yes, I loved a lot in this episode.)

"What if..."
"What if what?"
"What if I am not ready for this."
"For what?"
"All of this."
"You sort of need to be...The first time I met you I knew I just wanted to have sex with you."
"Fuck you."
"We were good, were we?"
"We were better than that."

Not so sure about the last two lines, but I liked the first bit of the conversation. So true. I often don't feel ready for things, but I sort of have to be and it's scary. And I hope the best for the future of our Skins characters, and yes I do realise they are fictional, thank you very much.

And here endeth my picspam. I dont't particulary like the two other scenes, so I just conveniantly ignore them.

All screencaps made and colored by me. Please don't take for your graphics. I can give you the original caps though, if you want.

that episode of... skins, everyone can see this, tv: skins, i watch too much tv, omg: a picspam

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