...These circumstances are leading to the emergence of a new society whose members will disproportionately be descended from parents who rejected the social tendencies that once made childlessness and small families the norm. These values include an adherence to traditional, patriarchal religion, and a strong identification with one's own folk or
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Exactly, and that's one of the things I was getting at when I talked about other influences. For better or for worse, for younger people (say, into one's early to mid-twenties, as far as I've observed and have read), the primary shapers of their opinions are their peers.
This is one reason the modern Christians that have "priests" (Catholic, Episcopal, Orthodox) rather than "pastors", which are modern version of prophets, have more trouble with female leadership.
Hey, I always wondered about that. Huh.
(Pagans, on the other hand, have trouble with almost any leadership, as far as I can tell. There's an automatic suspicion of the clerical-lay model, which many of us left other religions to get away from (not me-I had other reasons-but it's definitely a big one for a lot of people). The practical upshot of all this on a social and political level is that I start laughing whenever anyone accuses us of engaging in conspiracy or plotting to overthrow the government. We can barely organize a swap meet.)
(Yeah, my parents are fairly conservative, politically, though they are neither especially religious, nor do they have lots of kids. They do think more highly of Bush than I do, but on the other hand, that wouldn't be hard.)
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