This has been a weird day. I was assaulted by a patron (survived), offered a job (not going to take), actually shushed some patrons (it worked), went to
Dick's (tasty), and just had odd things happen all day.
Assault: Got into altercation with patron. Patron was crazy, stinky, homeless, etc. Poked me in the chest. Wanted to "make a point." Considered using my 1337 librarian martial arts abilities but decided to just get him the heck out of there. Told him never, ever to touch me again, etc., etc. Have resolved on course of action (police-related) if patron returns.
Job: Offered by Area Community College, part time during hours I either (a) couldn't do it or (b) are the only time I get to share with my baby. I think they called because a friend of mine who worked there is leaving town and taking a Good Full Time Job elsewhere, so they'll have a service gap... Anyway, it was nice to get the offer.
Shushing: While running around after The AssaultTM, encountered a couple on the quiet floor of the library talking a fair bit. I didn't want to spend the time to explain, so I just shushed. They quieted right down.
Dick's: Not much to say, other than that
ethylwelt won't be going to school early tomorrow, so we went on a late night food run. Some idiots at Dick's briefly made me wish I carried Rocks With Which To Pelt Idiots, but probably it's better I don't carry rocks. Especially tonight.
Gave up on the new creative writing today and decided to polish up some of the stuff hanging fire. One story is headed out in the mails tomorrow. It's the first unquestionably "genre" story I will have submitted in ten years. I'm nervous and excited. I'm sending it to one of the top horror markets, one I used to submit to way back when I wrote horror stories in high school and early college, and I'm very curious to see what they'll say. Probably just "alas," but one never knows.
Have you ever read
SJ's blog? If you haven't, check it out. She is a friend and all, but I think she's got a great blog, and her
About Asshole is one of the really good raisons d'etre I've seen connected with a blog.