Cursed, Searing Rays of Sol!

Jan 30, 2006 15:04

Grrr... There I was, writing along comfortably in the silent darkness when along comes the sun! My venetian blinds and the curtains were no match for its intense rays. Sigh. I have rather enjoyed our current lengthy bout of rain. It's felt like proper PNW weather for some time now. I hope this "sunshine" development is only a temporary thing. With any luck it will go away and stay away until April or May.

In other news, a couple story ideas swirling around in the old grey matter. One is a short horror/fantasy thing that I think should go relatively well and which should be fun to write. The other... well... it's long. There's no way, as I see it, that it could effectively be told as a short story. So I'm currently turning over in my mind whether I'm ready to take another crack at something novelly in nature.

It was over two months ago that I effectively shelved the novel I was working on for much of last year. I got a bit more than 40,000 words into it, at which point I realized it was massively out of scale on a number of counts. This other thing I'm kicking around is a much more succinct story. It amounts to what is essentially historical horror and would be an interesting thing to write, as it involves the Black Death, among other things. The story as I initially conceived it shared some plot similarities with Stephen King's short novel "The Mist," especially the aspect of characters being trapped by monsters in a pressure cooker situation. In that format it would be somewhere at least in the 15-20,000 word area... With the background & setting I've been thinking about over the past couple days, the story would hopefully come in somewhere around the 60-80,000 word range.

Guess we'll see what happens. In the meantime, I'm going to work on the short story and start actively planning the novel. Even if I never got beyond working on the structure, it would probably be a useful exercise.
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