
Feb 11, 2008 12:01

The US Government is charging six men with related terrorist activities and murder. They are seeking the death penalty for these men for their participation in the 9/11 attacks.


A military which exists to preserve the union and the constitution is holding these men in Guantanamo Bay Cuba, where their own civil rights are jeopardized on a regular basis.


These six men will be tried by a military commission. Despite the constitutional rights which are said to be applied equally to all, such as being tried by a jury of your peers, these six men will be tried by a judge, prosecutor, and jury in the paid service of their enemy. Not to mention that in military commission courts you are not "innocent until proven guilty."


The president, who is an open evangelical Christian, has mastered the art of double-think. Double-think is a prerequisite of assuming biblical authenticity and inerrancy. How does this relate to national security you ask? Consider the verse, "whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me." Is it possible that Jesus meant that "you do this to me as well because I am also human"? Now, take that back into the tribunal. If the president of the nation is not willing to allow these six men the same rights as the rest of us, does he weaken our collective claim to them? If we allow the president to do such, aren't we complicate in this erosion?


Think for a moment about this situation. If we do not uphold the rights of such men are any of us worthy of them? It is in the time of such national crisis that such rights are most important.
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