Jun 27, 2006 09:50
Humans, great beings with much potential. Hurling through life trying to make sense of it all. Most would rather not chance, others live on the thought of not knowing. When everything is monotonous and boring then one strives to look into the unknown. Others are too frightened of it and rely on the consistancy of their surroundings and friends. Though it may all be fleeting, it's a part of being that we can't run from. With this idea, there are some who can't stand the constant day-to-day struggle of the worker bee mentality. Some who wish to strike out and find something else. They may not be able to pinpoint what it is that makes them so miserable, they just know what they want. When they find they truly want out and become frustrated then they lash out either to others or to themselves. Be it drugs, alcohol, fights, or otherwise. Some go to lengths that the only reason they branch out in such a dangerous way is for acceptance. To find some subculture to be a part of because they think its the only way out.
Humans are constant changing creatures, what one person thinks one day may change the next. Even the most consistant of people. Though there are underlying truths about certain people that never change, and this may be why some run so much. They just can't deal with themselves so if they have to have a daily struggle and only think of the present moment then they don't have to think about that ugly part of them that they don't want others to see. When that side is shown to another, they begin to feel ashamed but at the same time relieved and comfortble. Then the consistancy comes in and they become frightend, too weak in spirit and mind to look at themselves closely enough.
To argue is pointless, to try to "one-up" someone is rediculous. When you try to prove something to someone else (for whatever reason) you are only trying to make yourself feel better for one reason or another. Being or acting in such a manner only shows your own shortcomings.