nnaylime posted this meme and I couldn't resist but since I am kind of critical of how I write and aware of things like tone and voice I used a few different sources. It appears to be Stephen King with notes of a couple others, but here are the results with some source links:
I got this one using a half written fanfic and
this journal entry:
I write like
Stephen King
I Write Like by Mémoires,
Mac journal software.
Analyze your writing! I got this one using
this journal entry I write like
Chuck Palahniuk
I Write Like by Mémoires,
Mac journal software.
Analyze your writing! I got this one using
this journal entry I write like
Vladimir Nabokov
I Write Like by Mémoires,
Mac journal software.
Analyze your writing! And my last experiment was using
this journal entry I write like
Margaret Atwood
I Write Like by Mémoires,
Mac journal software.
Analyze your writing!