I just finished watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 and while I can't say much right now because I must leave for work soon...I must say that if you haven't watched Buffy linearly I don't think you have any right to compare it to Dollhouse Season 1.
My reasons are simple:
1) I've said this time and time again...the shows are two different beings! You really can't compare a show rooted purely in supernatural mythology to one routed in mostly science fiction. However if you really must compare them see reason two.
2) I found the arc of The Master very weak in Buffy. He is only mentioned in a few episodes and seems to pose no threat the rest of the time. It's like they conveniently forget that he exists. He comes up in the first two, then doesn't show up for like five or episodes then come up in another one and they're like..."Oh yeah! He's still around."
Compared to Alpha who was always a looming threat! He is mentioned in ep 1, fucks things up ep 2, completely screws with an engagement in ep 4, seems to be absent for a while but always on their minds given exactly what happened during those first couple of eps, and then comes back for the last two eps with a bang by infiltrating the Dollhouse and kidnapping Echo.Perhaps it was more the fact that he was a mystery that I enjoyed where as the master was not a mystery. He was just a poorly written evil creature that is trapped in one place so isn't really reeking havoc like Alpha was.
So anyway. Do not tell me Dollhouse's first season was crap because I can now fight back with more reasons. (And btw...the Bennett Halverson vs. River Tam, comparison...yea I've got an argument for that too.)