Apr 06, 2005 12:04

Today is april tha 6th. last night me and my gurl had a big argument where i ended up sleepin in tha sala (livin room), anywho, woke up this mourin cause i could here her mouth again. she was mad cause i slept in tha livin room. Chingow. her, her sister and dad left, i dont know where. recieved a phone call from here just right now.IM GONNA BE DADDY JESSO!!!!!!!!!fuck i am soo happy. finally a chamaco/chamaca of my owns!as some remember my previous encounter with a child, that i took care of and findin out it wasnt mines. this is differ. now once again im gonna go thru 8 more months of, buy me a burger, and supersize it, and get me this, get me that,buyin moo-moos and whutnot, well basically just gettin on my nerves. but in the end, it will be all worth it. she wants hawaiian baby name. i said nope, how we goin have a name i cant even say or pronounciate.first name gonna be a regular chicano name, middle her pick last name , oh fa sho, GARCIA. holla at cha. JESSIE GARCIA
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