Dec 13, 2007 03:32
I kept listening to the song 'goodbye to love'. it's a really good song but made me kind of sentimental.
all of sudden, I got to wonder how Caroline's doing. I went to her webpage. Am I doing a stalker thing? haha fortunately her journal is friends only. can't read anything, don't know what's been up with her. yea, I remember that I asked her to make her journal friends only. I haven't talked to her for a while. I still remember her phone number although I wanted to forget. I wrote a short email to her and was going to send it to her but didn't. I guess I'd better not. I don't think that would be a very good idea. I have nothing to do with her anymore. I guess she's doing well with her boy and she would feel uncomfortable too if I sent an email.
so far, I kind of wanted to hate her because I was hurt. but I now think that she actually didn't really do anything bad to me except for calling me a bad word. too bad, I guess I won't be able to talk to her even as a friend. I think it's kind of impossible for guys and girls to be back as good friends after breaking up. Will I ever be able to get back as a good friend with her? maybe couple of years from now? I don't know. probably not.
what's done is done. She goes her own way and I go my own way. they are parallel lines that cannot be met, I think.
She a good person and helped me a lot with my studying and many things. and I had so much fun with her as well. I truly appreciate it.
I wish her happy christmas and happy new year.