How to make a college student's hair go white

May 21, 2007 17:50

1) Be a teacher who isn't in the habit of returning e-mails, even when all of your students send you their papers through said e-mail system. Don't let them know if you've actually received their papers or not.

2) Don't grade papers until the last minute. Don't display the grades until the VERY last minute.

Now, you see, points one and two are all fine and good; said teacher was ridiculously busy near the end of the semester. In addition to having to grade papers for his own class, he was a thesis advisor to a good number of other students, AND he was in the process of buying a house. I wasn't in any real hurry to get my grades back, so hey.


3) As way of letting a student know that you, the teacher, has finished grading said student's papers, make the following sentence your first and only email to him/her this entire semester, without adding any sort of greeting, any context, or any indication of how well he or she actually DID:

You shouldn't use full justification.


I learned how it feels to have the blood drain from one's face and hands.

(I checked my grades later, I did just fine. BUT STILL.)
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