4 dollar pitcher of beer or Project MKULTRA

Oct 14, 2008 19:44

Mike Pasch's left lung collapsed. This is a little over a year after his right did. He'll be fine after surgery, but never will be the same again.

Dead Space comes out tomorrow.

Thinking about doing a payment plan so as to afford my computer now instead of later.

The WoW severs are up and the patch is live...but they cant retrieve anyone's character lists. Fuckin great.

The aliens didnt come today. Surprise, surprise

Those "Politically Incorrect Guide To _______" are all a bunch of self serving, conservative propaganda "books" filled with historical distortions, scientific falsehoods and social nonesense. It sickens me to think that these books are kept in the "History" and "Current Affairs" section.

Here's a little song I wrote,
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry, be happy
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