baby loves to dance in the dark 'cause when he's lookin' she falls apart → gadeninsui

Nov 20, 2009 03:28

There was of course alcohol in her system even before she decided to go home to have a party of one, but at least the half empty bottle of tequila she was wielding in one hand had been almost half-empty when she'd gotten to it. Her shoes were haphazard in the threshold, the pets were put up for the night, and she was sat in (slightly precarious) seiza on the kitchen floor to watch some cinnamon rolls in the oven bake.

Toshiaki was off ... somewhere, probably with the other boys, and if he were home he would have sent her out of the kitchen and appeased her by baking them himself because there wasn't any guarantee that she wouldn't just set the whole goddamn building ablaze even when perfectly sober. She seemed to be doing well for the time being, though - no fire alarms were going off and everything got into the pan (and oven) okay. She'd cheated by using things that were mostly pre-made, but no one really needed to try anything she'd cooked from scratch unless it was called 'toast.'

She was still dressed for the bars even though her hair was all out of place already, and took a pull from the bottle when she shifted to sit back against one of the cabinets and set her phone down to wait for her newly-acquired visitor.

Well, at least she could hold her liquor for a while longer.

& people: tsukuda kichirou, # log

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