godd@mn tractor trailer trucks!!!

Nov 08, 2006 12:50

Have I mentioned that I HATE tractor trailer trucks?  No?  Well then I will mention it now.  I HATE THEM I HATE THEM I HATE THEM!!!!  They are always driving way too fast or blocking traffic.  They could care less what everyone else on the road is doing since they are in their big hunks of steel.  If they feel like moving over, they will.  If they feel like not letting you move over, they won't.  Stupid bastards.

It's been almost 4 years exactly since my last run in with them.  I got way to up close and personal with not one, but two of them on icy night on the pike.  How close you ask?  Well, seeing that the driver's side of my car was attached to the front grill of one of the trucks, pretty darn close.  Luckily no one was hurt too bad (although how I still can't figure out).  Anyways, it took me a while to feel comfortable driving again, and I paniced whenever I was near an 18 wheeler on the highway.  I gradually got over that, although I still have issues in rain and snow.

Anyways, today I was minding my business and driving back to Springfield from Berlin.  I was about to get off the exit when the tractor to my left (who had been speeding) had to brake suddenly because the car in front of him braked, and of course he was riding it's tail.  Anyways, big tractor trailer truck brakes fast in the rain, little old me driving slowly, about to get on the exit ramp, and what happens.....  The truck swerves and hits the back of my car.  I beep and try to get the license plate #.  He keeps driving, and it's too late for me to switch lanes to follow him.  Bastard!!  Luckily I'm fine, and my car only has a dent and some chipped paint, so it really wasn't that bad.  It just pisses me off that they drive like that and aren't held responsible for their actions.  The state police said they can't really do anything.  Fine.  I hope karma kicks that driver in the butt someday!  As for me, I would love to take a break from driving, but given my current situation, that is impossible.  I need to get rich and hire a chaffeur.

Ok, enough of that.  Time for lunch.
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