APOLOGIES. I CANT MANAGE TO DO AN LJ CUT. SORRY SORRY SORRY - Yu-fan the genius here, I've managed to figure out how to do LJ cuts on Rich Text already and I've never used Rich Text in my entire life. So in fact Michael sucks arse. :)
basically, yesterday bare of us went to tinsel town in hampstead, then we all got bored, george got drunk and decided he wanted to go leister square, half of us ended up there, george almost started on a black dude for being black, we had bare joks, got home at 1 ish, went to bed. wanked.
me and cutey being dammmmm hot.
toby and charlote being dammmmm hot
me and sophie being....well you get the drill
surpise camera action!
i liked these glasses, they are the onli ones ive ever tried on whcih dont make mi eeylashes brush against em.
this shoes lareys cuteynes =D
sexyness! i bare dont rememebr this one,
and again :D
laras arse.
can she help being cute? NO SHE CANT NO.SHE.CANT!
george had a REAL burberry jacket, and it only cost him £20. yea rite.
lmao tobys face doing chin ups..or something like chin ups.
we found this nang breh. so we took pictures. toby looking excited...
matt looking patronising....
robert with a "what the fuck is this guy doin!?" look. hahah brilliant..
toby and rob pissing in an "open air" toilet. kiddy porn?
fat woman in a thong.
ahhh bffes!! on a merry go round.
we tried to get a good picture of charlotte.
emphasis on tried..
ahh thats nice!
that cancels it out.
suprise camera action!
she was in green, so she thought she was in the army,.....