drunk people are funny

Aug 01, 2004 00:32

so yeah last night was some good times... DRUNK story #1: so yeah my friend Bri decides he's gonna spend his last night of freedom taking 4 shots of cheap ass whisky... well, he lives in dallas so i dont actually witness this but at about 230am i get a txt... hahaha... that silly says "im drink as fuck woo!".... funny funny... so i had talked to him earlier and he said he wasnt going to be drinking for the evening which resulted in a reply from me calling him a liar.... so Bri's response is :" Bullshit i am drunk"... no shit genius... haha... DRUNK story #2: my friend jake is chilling with us when he stumbles across a bottle of triple distilled smirnoff vodka... there's about a 10th of the bottle left... so he drinks it like water... after smoking a few cloves he is just stumbling around acting drunk... haha... so he lies down to rest and next thing we all know is hes made a mad dash to the kitchen sink... haha... good times... eventually he made it to the bathroom then a bed and then his girlfriend took his drunk ass home... woot...woot... haha fun times... so until next time: stick your hands down your pants and masterbate your face off!!!! thanks steph...
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