My wife did the most amazing thing last week. She said that I should take a three-day weekend and stay in a hotel, and she would watch the kids while I got some solid, uninterrupted programming time. So I pricelined a hotel in Park City for three nights and I have been doing basically nothing but work on the Zyzzyva app since Friday night.
My goal for the weekend was to implement cardbox quizzes and get the app syncing with desktop Zyzzyva via Dropbox. I suspected that Dropbox sync would be the harder part, so I decided to tackle it first. And boy, was I right! It took me Friday night, all of Saturday, and half of Sunday even to get something functional. It's taken me until now to create something that's actually usable.
And it works! It's not the fastest thing in the world, but it works. I can now sync saved quizzes between iDevices. I haven't finished cardbox quizzes (yet... there's still 8 hours left in the day after all), but the hard part is done. Once cardbox quizzes are implemented, they will sync seamlessly with the desktop. I am psyched. This thing is actually coming together.
As usual, some screenshots: