Jun 20, 2005 00:00
"I'll kiss you in a style Clark Gable would've admired..."
So I finished my WSI class today. Passed and such and I'm glad it's over with. The class itself was boring and repetitive, but I did meet some cool people. Unfortunately, I probably won't see many of them ever again. A sobering thought, but that's life. And now the checks start a-flowing. Yay. I realized today that I really enjoy clipping hedges. I'm no Edward Scissorhands, but goddamn is it fun. It's the kind of OCD activity I really just tend to have fun with. That and it was really nice outside today.
I've finally realized why my father is such an asshole most of the time. I mean aside from his controlling, know-it-all personality that is. Now there isn't anything wrong with having a drink at night, but my dad, always seems to have just enough to make him hyper-sensitive to noise, even more uber-controlling, more emotional than the Lifetime network, and unable to sleep well. This then causes him to be irritable the whole of the following day. Of course you can come to the conclusion that this sets him up to do it all over again the next night. It's such a Catch-22: He drinks because he doesn't sleep and he doesn't sleep because he drinks. The whole "Do as I say not as I do." attitude makes it all the more frustrating for me. I miss UMass.
Speaking of that, I've started envisioning next year in my head. I really hope Chadbourne lives up to the hype, and it'll be awesome living with Butt people and whatnot. I've already worked out the futon and the lamp(s) and the rug in my head. I've wondered about another year of Open Air, and the thought of two more chances to try out for Mission and I.W.A. Classes? Yeah, I've thought about them too; but not nearly as much. That sounded awful.
I'm not even really sure what I'd do if I got into Mission. It's a situation I've gone through in my mind so many ways, that the actual event would probably hit me in a totally unexpected way. Imagine walking into that first rehearsal. Feels good.
And I could use a victory at this point in my life.